After having a full day at my Mom's house the next day we celebrated with Cory's family.
That morning Cory and I went out to breakfast sans kids! Now, that doesn't happen very often anymore. It was fun just being the two of us and I forgot how easy and quickly we could get stuff done. We missed those guys though and laughed how at times when they aren't with you, you end up talking about them. Thankfully we do a good job at talking about everything instead of just the kids!
We got up to his parent,s house and had a long fun day hanging out with family. Alyssa was very excited to see her Nana, Papa, and Nanny. Cory and I picked up some champagne and made Mimosa's that morning for everyone and enjoyed the goodies that were put out.
His Mom cooked a fabulous dinner, prime rib, york shire pudding, roasted potatoes, and green beans with bacon. Delicious! I think next time we will be doing something
a little less time consuming so Nana can spend more time with all the grand kids!
Before dinner we opened presents. I was pretty excited for the kids because I knew what they were getting. Alyssa got a chest full of princess dress up clothes and a princess hair set that includes, hair dryer, curling iron, flat iron, and curlers. It's simply adorable. Knox got some pretty cool cars. He is so funny because he actually likes to unwrap the presents. The big hit for him was probably the box he rode around in that Alyssa's Angeline Ballerina doll came in. Knox had so much fun being pulled around by his Papa in it.
We didn't head back to the hotel until after nine or so. Since Alyssa slept through dinner she was starving so we picked her up a Happy Meal and headed back to the room where she had her own bunk beds and a t.v. and VCR. I'm sure I would have loved that when I was little!
All of us were wiped out and new it was going to be another long day tomorrow. We got up early went swimming and than off to load all the toys up at the grandparents'
houses. Alyssa was staying in Longview for the week so she is going to have an extra long vacation with her Nana and Papa!
Once back home we got all the Christmas decorations put away, toys out of boxes and a little organization we headed out to eat. I took Cory and Knox to my favorite pizza place. We always complain how there are now good pizza places like the ones we grew up with. The place we went to was as close as we were going to get. They have amazing pizza. This is where Cory gave me my big surprise. Nicole had called and we were chatting about this and that and New Years. Cory told her to fly up and he would pay half! Long story short, Nicole is coming!!!
The kids will be thrilled, I will have some fun, and my husband is the best!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Christmas Part Three
Posted by The Simmons at 3:45 PM 0 comments
Christmas Part Two
The day after Christmas we packed everyone up and headed down to Longview for a couple of days. We got into town after a very long drive of going through rain, sun, hail, snow, and crawling traffic.
We were all starving by the time we got into town but didn't want to stop because we knew my Mom would have some good grub waiting for us. When we got to my parents house my brother was already there and my sister literally pulled up when we were
unloading the car.
The family hadn't seen us for almost five months so there was a lot of chaos going on with the kids. Alyssa was loving being at her Nana's house and she showed is inside making Nana chase her around the house. Once inside and we got settled and grubbed a little it was present time!
My parents, sister, and brother spoiled the kids like always. I don't even know why
we buy anything for them?! Knox got a lot of cars, trucks, and a train, while Alyssa received her Disney Princess set. She was so excited she let out a squeal! They also got several DVDs along with a portable DVD player, which rocks!
After all the presents were open we had dinner shortly after. My mom fixed us a
Mexican dinner which was delicious. She is such a good cook. Alyssa got to stay at her Nana's that night while Knox got to go to his other Nana's and stay. Cory and I actually got a night to our own in the hotel. No biggie though, after checking in we pretty much fell asleep. We were exhausted!
It was really good seeing everyone and I know we will be back down again this winter, with hopefully a beach trip!
Posted by The Simmons at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Christmas Part One
Christmas day was such a great relaxing day for us. Cory had to work but got off at noon that day and the rest of his vacation for the year started. He told me to have the kids open their stockings in the morning and we would do the rest of the presents when he got home.
I woke up early probably because of all the anticipation, but my children slept in so finally around 8:00 Knox woke up and about forty minutes later I went and woke Alyssa up because I was ready to get some presents opened!
She was very cute when she looked at the plate of cookies and the one Santa had taken a bite out of. We walked over to the stockings and she pointed and said "look Mama!" I gave her the stockings and she handed one to Knox. I told her that these were from Santa.
Pulling out some of the stuff she was excited but than she came to a purple wrapped box. She opened it up and I wish I could have got it on tape. She was thrilled. She
just kept saying "purple barbie" over and over. She even told Santa thank you.
Cory got home at noon and we opened up the rest of the presents and after that everyone went and took a nice long nap. I myself stayed up prepared dinner and relaxed with some peace and quiet! We had a simple but delicious dinner, apple smoked ham, asparagus, and rosemary potatoes, due to the fact that we were going to
be out of town for the next few days.
We decided again this year that we were only going to buy for the kids. It worked out really well. I did end up getting Cory a little something while he gave me a huge surprise in the following days.
Posted by The Simmons at 3:04 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 24, 2010
Chuck E Cheese
Yesterday we were trying to decide what to do. We wanted to get out but the weather was of course horrible. Alyssa had some coins left over from a previous outing at Chuck E Cheese so we decided to head up to the one in Burlington.
It was a little further than the one in Lynnwood but we were hoping that it wouldn't be as crowded. We also enjoy taking drives so we loaded up the car and we were off. Cory and I were both hungry but had already decided we were not eating there, their food is crap! Alyssa loved running around in there and checking everything out. She was pretty tired but was a very good trooper and behaved amazingly well!
When we were in the "toddler" area I decided to stick Knox on a few of the rides and he LOVED them. I put him on a Barney ride and he immediately grabbed the steering
wheal and turning it, laughing, and doing his head bob. That was until he hit his head on the steering wheal. He only shrieked for a second and than was all about the other one's I put him on.
We were only there for about an hour but it was fun and cheap. With the coins we already had we didn't need to buy any more! Cory and I wanted to stop for lunch and decided to head further North away from the crowds and get a good burger.
As always we had another fabulous family outing!
Posted by The Simmons at 8:03 AM 0 comments
My Birthday
We all have one every year and mine just happens to be at Christmas time. My birthday! It never fails I always get someone asking or saying doesn't that suck having it so close to Christmas? My response has always been the same, NO! I love it and wouldn't trade it for the world!
We didn't have any huge plans that day. Cory got up and made me breakfast. Which was fabulous. He took care of the kids in the morning. The rest of the day we hung out. It was perfect. That night he made me a fabulous dinner and we had some great wine and of course dessert.
I think he was a little annoyed with me because he had asked me what I wanted and I
told him a cheese cake. He had no idea where to go to get one. I told him a few places and he wanted to know why I couldn't just have cake or pie. Well I don't like cake or pie but love cheese cake and it's MY birthday! He was really a good sport about it but just had to give me a bad time. With saying that to, I wanted a chocolate one, not a plain one with fruit! Gross! That did make it a little harder as well.
I got some amazing gifts and enjoyed a perfect day with my family. The day was pefect!
Posted by The Simmons at 7:51 AM 0 comments
Last Friday Cory started his vacation and it was off to a good start. He came home and got a nap in with Alyssa while Knox and I went to the doctors and ran some errands. That evening we made a great dinner, wine, and decided to watch a family movie Toy Story 3, who would have thought, the movie got over and we were getting ready to go to bed.
Alyssa was bugging Harley. That poor dog puts up with a lot from her. She continued to bug him and after several times of letting her know to stop he turned and growled at her and while doing this actually got her face. I know several people are saying oh my gosh get rid of the dog. first of all he did not attack her which is a HUGE difference. After it happened and she started to cry he immediately backed down and looked at her like oh crap I got you.
I brought Alyssa into the kitchen after I saw the blood and Cory immediately said
that we needed to get her to the ER. After getting our neighbor over to watch Knox we were off! Alyssa was in good spirits she wasn't crying and even in the waiting room was playing and running around.
She was a great patient and wasn't the least bit scared at all. I only think that because I don't think she knew exactly what was coming. While waiting she enjoyed playing with the t.v. and flipping through the channels. When it was time to start the stitches and they wrapped her up in a sheet she was not OK with that. Like anyone would she started to scream. They unwrapped her and the nurse went and got a few more people to help hold her down. We waited for several more minutes and by this time I had to go to the bathroom so I went to find one. On my way out, I heard her screaming for her Mommy! I hurried back into there and saw five nurses plus Cory holding her down. I joined in and let her know I was there. She was crying and doing good. The nurses started talking to her about all kinds of stuff and of all things that calmed her down was when one of them brought up the cartoon Cailou. Who would have thought!
Afterwards she was in great spirits. She got a purple Popsicle and we headed out as she said bye to everyone! We went to get her prescription filled and Cory got her cookies. They told us that we couldn't get it wet and had to keep it bandaged so she wouldn't pick at it. I thought yeah right, but she has done great she hasn't bothered it at all!
We didn't get home until after midnight and we had to wash her blanket so we let her sleep with us that night. She was all excited about that. I was a little worried how she was going to be with Harley but when we got home she gave him a hug and told him hello. She has also been running around the house saying I love you Harley. I'm so glad!
As I write this she has already had the stitches out and the doctor has said it looks great. We are going to be putting stuff on it for awhile so it doesn't scar. For as bad as it seemed it looks amazing and I'm very proud of her. Besides all the goodies she got we took her to Target and let her pick out a "Barbie" she wanted an orange one. Low and behold she found one. She picked out Belle that was wearing an orange and yellow dress. I didn't realize it at the time but it's a bathtub doll. she had to wait to use it for a few days but it hasn't left her side. She loves all the princess's especially Belle!
Posted by The Simmons at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
9 Months
On Friday Knox had his nine month check up. I can't believe how fast the time how gone but yet at times it feels like it's crawling by. A friend of mine said it perfectly. She said the years go by quickly but the days can be long. How very true that is. Knox is continuing to be a healthy boy. He is 29 inches (75-90 percentile) and weighing in at 20.6lbs(50th percentile). As the doctor pointed out he is a big boy but a string bean!
He still isn't crawling yet but trying to very hard. It probably doesn't help that his big sister brings him everything! Knox has two more teeth coming in which will put him at six total.
I have been looking at pictures lately and comparing the changes Alyssa has made in this last year and trying to wonder what Knox will be like this time next year. It's hard for me to even fathom my sweet little boy turning into a rowdy toddler!
One of Knox's favorite things to do recently is roll into the Christmas tree and pull on the branches or unwrap presents. He thinks it's hilarious, especially when I tell him no. His big sister sure let's him know though that it isn't OK to do that which is pretty funny.
Posted by The Simmons at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Skating With Santa
Today I headed out with one of my Mom's groups for Skating With Santa in Marysville. I was excited because Cory was off and he was able to go with us. Even though he is off at noon on most days it still limits the activities he attends because most children's activities are in the morning. I was stoked to take him there because I don't think he believed how retro the place really was.
Once again it was another fun family outing. Knox seemed to want to get out there and was all smiles and head bobs. Alyssa liked it but was more into just wondering around the place than going on the rink. She did good and is getting the hang of it. It's so much fun to share something with her that was such a big part of my life.
After about a half hour they had Santa come out and all the kids got in line and got to sit with Santa. OK, so this was Alyssa's third time on Santa's lap. I'm sure this isn't going to fly at some point as her believing, but she enjoyed it and of course wouldn't you know our camera died at that point! One of the workers there was taking pictures and hopefully she got one of Alyssa and puts it up because her smile was priceless!
I had to laugh because Cory told me that this Santa is the same one that is at the Bothell Country Village and works at the Skate Inn the rest of the time. It made me just think back how I wanted to work at Skate World and be a teacher on my days off when I was young. No, you don't have to re-read that I was pretty serious about working at Skate World full time but obviously I needed to supplement my pay so when I had days off I would be a teacher. Great idea I had huh!?
Posted by The Simmons at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Cory and Alyssa
Here is a picture of Cory and Alyssa on his birthday that he celebrated while on vacation. She was so excited all week to make him a cake but he wanted a pie so that's what the birthday boy got, with candles of course! We had a good evening having some good friends over for dinner, wine, and dessert!
Posted by The Simmons at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Warm Beach
Since having kids the holidays have become so much more fun. We have started doing to many new things that are becoming traditions and one of those is heading out to Warm Beach to see the Christmas lights.
I was a little nervous about going this last week because it had been raining like crazy. The weather Gods were good to us on Friday and we again couldn't have asked for better weather.
Going out on a Friday night I wasn't exactly stoked since everyone else usually has that time off as well. We got there pretty much after it opened and it was perfect, no major crowds. Cory's mom was able to go with us this year as well.
First up was to see Santa, again. Again, Alyssa loved him and he adored her but Knox was still a little unsure. He never cried but was kind of looking at him like why am I sitting on this strange man's lap AGAIN! Of course Alyssa asked for another purple barbie. Which by the way a certain elf told me Santa did get her one!
After that, pictures with the snowman, bear, Bruce the Spruce, looking at all the lights, roasted nuts and more mini doughnuts. Now, Bruce the Spruce is kind of funny. It's a talking tree. He was kind of funny and I would say was appropriate with the different age groups. I thought it was cute because he told Alyssa that the mold for cuteness was broke after her. I have to agree although biased but
sometimes her diva attitude sure makes me double think that!
Alyssa was also excited that we got to see the animals but most importantly she got to ride the train. She loves trains just like I did at that age. Although we don't get stuck waiting for trains all that much when we do she gets so excited. After our outing Gail took us all out to dinner and we had a great relaxing time.
Posted by The Simmons at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 6, 2010
Santa Visit and Westlake Adventure
One of our holiday traditions is to go downtown Seattle and go to Nordstrom and get pictures taken with Santa.
We picked a great day to go as far as the weather was concerned and the crowds. I was a little concerned because Alyssa had dance that morning so we wouldn't get down there until almost 11:30 give or take. I thought for sure the line would be huge by then. When we got down there I was surprised that there wasn't a line at all! We parked and got Alyssa changed into her dress clothes and were on our way in no time.
We were in line for probably ten minutes or so but nothing more. Alyssa was so
excited to see Santa and had been telling me for weeks what she was going to tell him she wanted. She wants a "purple barbie." For those of you who are wondering it's a barbie in a purple dress. She loves anything to do with princess' right now and of course her favorite color purple. Although I think she is starting to like black now too!
At any rate both kids did great with Santa although Knox refused to smile at this strange man but tolerated him for a few minutes. Alyssa just snuggled right up and was tickled pink. I just love the innocence of children!
Afterwards we headed out to lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and than down to Westlake Center to ride the Holiday Carousel and walk around. Alyssa was so excited about the carousel and of course picked the purple horse to ride! When we were done we got some warm mini doughnuts and coffee and headed home. Just in time to because it started to rain.
It was a perfect holiday family outing!
Posted by The Simmons at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Kicking It With My Girl
Ever since the previews for the movie "Tangled" came out Alyssa has been wanting to go and see it. I was a little hesitant because I wasn't sure how she would do at a theatre and with it being so expensive I didn't want to waste the money.
It opened Thanksgiving weekend and I told her she was going to get tog o. She was so excited about it. Me still being a little nervous at how she would do wasn't too stoked. We didn't have time to stop at the store and get any treats and I refused to spend the money on the ones there. The theatre was packed and so was that showing and the lady or I should say girl who sold us tickets let me know that if I couldn't find two seats together that I could come back and get my money back. We were able to find seats together but it didn't matter Alyssa sat on my lap the whole time and LOVED the movie.
She was so excited about it that when we were leaving she she gave me a big hug and kiss and told me "thank you mommy" Talk about melting my heart! I took her out to get some cookies afterward.
I just love our girl days together! I'm looking forward to her getting a little bigger and stuff I have planned for us!
Posted by The Simmons at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Thanksgiving 2010
We had a very low key Thanksgiving Day. Cory's parents came up along with his Grandmother and we had a nice dinner.
The next day I got out all of our Christmas decorations and put them up along with the Christmas tree. Alyssa was so excited and kept hugging all my Santa's I have. Cory took Alyssa outside later when he turned our lights on and showed her and she approved.
I was able to get all my Christmas shopping done on Black Friday as well. It's such a relief and I was proud of myself I stuck to our budget and got a lot of "diverse" presents for the kids. We decided that this year we would only be buying for our
kids. Even though it sucks not to get anything it sure has taken a lot of stress off us.
Next year we have talked about somewhat forgoing Thanksgiving and going somewhere like Leavenworth for a few days. This would be a fun tradition to start and almost guaranteed some real snow to play in!
Posted by The Simmons at 5:03 PM 0 comments