Friday, December 24, 2010

My Birthday

We all have one every year and mine just happens to be at Christmas time. My birthday! It never fails I always get someone asking or saying doesn't that suck having it so close to Christmas? My response has always been the same, NO! I love it and wouldn't trade it for the world!

We didn't have any huge plans that day. Cory got up and made me breakfast. Which was fabulous. He took care of the kids in the morning. The rest of the day we hung out. It was perfect. That night he made me a fabulous dinner and we had some great wine and of course dessert.

I think he was a little annoyed with me because he had asked me what I wanted and I
told him a cheese cake. He had no idea where to go to get one. I told him a few places and he wanted to know why I couldn't just have cake or pie. Well I don't like cake or pie but love cheese cake and it's MY birthday! He was really a good sport about it but just had to give me a bad time. With saying that to, I wanted a chocolate one, not a plain one with fruit! Gross! That did make it a little harder as well.

I got some amazing gifts and enjoyed a perfect day with my family. The day was pefect!