Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Part Two

The day after Christmas we packed everyone up and headed down to Longview for a couple of days. We got into town after a very long drive of going through rain, sun, hail, snow, and crawling traffic.

We were all starving by the time we got into town but didn't want to stop because we knew my Mom would have some good grub waiting for us. When we got to my parents house my brother was already there and my sister literally pulled up when we were
unloading the car.

The family hadn't seen us for almost five months so there was a lot of chaos going on with the kids. Alyssa was loving being at her Nana's house and she showed is inside making Nana chase her around the house. Once inside and we got settled and grubbed a little it was present time!

My parents, sister, and brother spoiled the kids like always. I don't even know why
we buy anything for them?! Knox got a lot of cars, trucks, and a train, while Alyssa received her Disney Princess set. She was so excited she let out a squeal! They also got several DVDs along with a portable DVD player, which rocks!

After all the presents were open we had dinner shortly after. My mom fixed us a
Mexican dinner which was delicious. She is such a good cook. Alyssa got to stay at her Nana's that night while Knox got to go to his other Nana's and stay. Cory and I actually got a night to our own in the hotel. No biggie though, after checking in we pretty much fell asleep. We were exhausted!

It was really good seeing everyone and I know we will be back down again this winter, with hopefully a beach trip!