Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wedding and A Little Chelan Time

A good friend of Cory's and mine was getting married this last week in Tri-Cities so we headed over there for a couple of days and then decided we would head over to Lake Chelan after that and hang out with some of our other friends for a few days.

Cory was the best man in the wedding so we were there for all the wedding festivities. It took place at a winery in the Tri-Cities area where they live. I was excited to go back over there, I had spent a lot of time there when I went to college. The weather was perfect for us too in the mid 80's, normally this time of year it is a lot hotter but with this crazy weather it has been a lot cooler.

The wedding was good and uneventful, that's good right!? Alyssa on the other hand could not wait for the cake and dancing. Let me tell you that kid loves to dance! She was probably out on the dance floor dancing for an hour and half or so before she left. She even found someone that she fancied to dance with at the tables and even cut in on him and his wife. It was pretty funny. He was an interesting guy to talk to. The brides sister was married to him and he used to play junior hockey for Tri-Cities. Being the hockey lovers we are it was interesting to chat with him and his son who plays for a team in Canada where they live.

Anywho, the next day we headed to our friends cabin in Chelan for some more R&R and fun! The kids were excited, OK Alyssa since I don't really think Knox knew what was going on but was along for the ride. Alyssa knew she was going somewhere with a boat and she couldn't wait!

When we got to Chelan the weather wasn't the greatest muggy but overcast and had been raining. The rain stopped and it wasn't bad at all. Our friends were excited to see us and the kids and we got some snacks and beverages and headed outside and relaxed for a little while before going for a spin in the boat.
I wasn't sure how Alyssa would do because when she gets a little nervous or something she refuses to do the activity etc. I had talked to her about being on the boat etc. and to my surprise she jumped on and was all for it.

The next two days there were lots more of this going on. Boating, snacks, beverages, and relaxing. Who could ask for more! We took the boat over to Manson and got shaved ice and walked around town and picked up some cheeses from a little shop and stopped at this little winery for a tasting. We headed back to the boat where we enjoyed a nice long boat ride and both kids fell asleep. Knox was snuggled right into my chest and it was nice, especially knowing he is my last.

Once back it was relaxing time again with snacks, beverages, lake time and some friends of our friends showed up on their boat with their teenage daughter and her friend. It was great talking with them. The guys took the boat over to Manson to get us our dinner, pizza and we enjoyed the evening. I love lake life!

We had to head home the next day because I had a prior obligation. I was going to the Sugarland concert with a friend of mine. It was a relaxing busy time and we were happy to get the kids away for some family fun time!

Code Adam

We had some errands to do and since the weather had been nice we decided to go get a kids a pool. Nothing special just something a little bigger than a wading pool but not crazy big to have to deal with it too much. The store of choice was Walmart. I hate that store and some of the people I see there creep me out. Anyways, they have good prices so you put on your big girl pants and deal with it.

Everything was going smoothly until I decided to take Knox out of the cart and let him walk around while Cory was busy talking with someone about a purchase we were making. Alyssa had got a little ahead of us and Knox decided to go the other direction. I told Alyssa to stop and she had looked at me smiled and turned the corner. UGH!

I picked Knox up and went to get her and she was gone. I probably wouldn't have worried as much but we were in a pretty gross store. Sorry but I hate Walmart. I knew she probably didn't get far but since I wasn't able to see her and being in such a huge store with creepy looking people in it I started to panic a little. I brought Knox back to Cory told him she was missing and went and found a clerk. When I found one and told her what happened she got a little rattled and made a phone call. Cory came by and headed outside to stand between the two exits. Thank goodness I wasn't by myself because we all know if someone had taken her and they get outside your chances of finding them drop significantly.

Anyhow they told me to go and wait in Customer Service because that's where she would be brought when she was found. I'm not sure exactly how long this all took it felt like a long time but after probably five minutes of waiting there I saw a young clerk bringing her up and Alyssa was smiling and had with her a pair of Rapunzel pajamas and underwear and was looking at the accessories. Really, she was shopping?! I called Cory and let him know and returned the items and we headed out to the car. I wanted to ring that little neck but was so very thankful she was alright and nothing had happened.

We have had talks with her about strangers and to never run away in stores or anywhere. Ah, the fun parts of being a parent! These pictures are from that day. One of our purchases was a little pool for the kids since we were having nice weather we wanted them to have some fun water play in the yard.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 4th, 2011

After picking up Alyssa we had an action packed weekend that led up to the 4th. On Saturday the kids had two birthday parties to attend. One was a friend of ours whose son turned one and another was a friends daughter who turned 3. They were both a lot of fun and we were exhausted after being out in the son all day and playing. Sunday when I thought we could finally get a day of rest before all the activities we spent it shopping, cleaning, and preparing for the fun filled week.

This year the 4th of July was a kick off to the beginning of summer for us with a month full of activities.

Cory got home from work around noon that day and after doing a few things around the house headed up for a few hour nap. His family, parents and Grammy, showed up not long after and we enjoyed the afternoon hanging out outside, cocktails, conversation and playing with the kids.

Once again Alyssa was in heaven for her grandparents being there. The weather has been perfect here and we have been enjoying every moment possible outside. One of the perks of living where we do is we can see the firework show from our house and don't have to fight the crowds.

This year Knox was able to partake in the festivities and enjoy the show. I think both kids were excited to be staying up way past there bedtime. The kids are pretty funny about the fireworks. Alyssa loves looking at them but doesn't like the loud booms. Knox on the other hand LOVED them. The louder the better and with everything that was going on in our neighborhood his head was on a swivel and he would clap when he saw one he really liked and yell. He is 100% boy! I have a feeling that our house is going to be the one his friends come to because once he gets a little older his dad is going to be right there with him blowing stuff up!

It was a late night for all of us and we had enjoyed another perfect 4th of July with family and friends. Life is good!

Week At Nana's

After Alyssa's recital her Nana Gail asked if she could take her to Longview for a few days to spend some time with her. Alyssa was very excited about this but was upset when she found out she had to wait until the next day to go.
Sunday Knox and I took Alyssa down to Seattle and visited with Grammy some more before they headed down to Longview. After a few hours we said our goodbyes and headed home. At first I wasn't sure what the week would hold for Knox and I because usually the activities I do suit Alyssa more than Knox. That was short lived and our week quickly filled up.

Monday we headed out to Kayak Park with some friends and enjoyed a few hours out there enjoying it. This is one of our favorite spots to go to and I'm so happy that our good friends enjoy it too. One of the little girls with us was having her party on Saturday and our other friend was unable to be there for it so we did a mini celebration. If Alyssa knew all of this she would be so upset. It was a lot of fun.
Knox loved playing in the water and freaked out a lot when I took him out. Once again, no surprise.

Later that week I also canned for the first time with a friend while of mine, while our kids played, and we made some strawberry jam. It was so much fun, ha, but I hope to do more this summer if possible. I would love to do tomatoes, jalapenos/or salsa.

That was our week for the most part a long with other little things in between. Alyssa on the other hand had an amazing week with her Nana. Hopefully I will be able to fully get everything straight and so I will mention a few and hit on a few others.

I know there were stops at Starbucks, which Alyssa got her "pink pop cake", trips down to the elementary school to play and ride her car, a celebration of Nana's bday, and nail painting. My parent's were able to come up one evening for dinner and to visit. I guess they stayed for a few hours and had a nice visit. Unfortunately they were unable to see Alyssa for the rest of her visit.

They even got to have some tea party's which Alyssa loves doing. She has a tea set at home that she likes playing with and also her kitchen dishes where she is always more than happy to cook something up for you. After they were all done Alyssa got to wash the tea set, which I'm sure she enjoyed more than anything. Playing in soapy water, fun!

One day they went down to Vancouver so she could spend some time with her cousins. From the sounds of it they all had a good time playing with each other. I'm happy that Nana makes an effort to get the kids together as much as possible.

Nana had a hair appointment to go to and decided to take Alyssa. I wasn't too sure how that would go since it was a two hour appointment. Alyssa was very good. She got to play with George's bulldog puppy, Hank, who she loved. Alyssa herself also got her hair trimmed, with my permission, and french braided. I guess she was an angel the whole time she was there and even gave George a hug when they left. Which is huge for Alyssa especially for a first time meeting.
I had to laugh because I don't know what I was so worried about I'm sure this was right up her ally!

On Friday we met at our normal meeting place and made the "exchange." Alyssa and Nana were both exhausted but I know they both had an amazing week together. I'm so thankful that the kids have someone who is willing to make all these memories with them. They will cherish these when they are older. I think Knox enjoyed the one on one too! I know those two missed each other. They love playing with each other and Alyssa will ask for him when he is napping. They are so cute together.