Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Skating With Santa

Today I headed out with one of my Mom's groups for Skating With Santa in Marysville. I was excited because Cory was off and he was able to go with us. Even though he is off at noon on most days it still limits the activities he attends because most children's activities are in the morning. I was stoked to take him there because I don't think he believed how retro the place really was.

Once again it was another fun family outing. Knox seemed to want to get out there and was all smiles and head bobs. Alyssa liked it but was more into just wondering around the place than going on the rink. She did good and is getting the hang of it. It's so much fun to share something with her that was such a big part of my life.

After about a half hour they had Santa come out and all the kids got in line and got to sit with Santa. OK, so this was Alyssa's third time on Santa's lap. I'm sure this isn't going to fly at some point as her believing, but she enjoyed it and of course wouldn't you know our camera died at that point! One of the workers there was taking pictures and hopefully she got one of Alyssa and puts it up because her smile was priceless!

I had to laugh because Cory told me that this Santa is the same one that is at the Bothell Country Village and works at the Skate Inn the rest of the time. It made me just think back how I wanted to work at Skate World and be a teacher on my days off when I was young. No, you don't have to re-read that I was pretty serious about working at Skate World full time but obviously I needed to supplement my pay so when I had days off I would be a teacher. Great idea I had huh!?