Knox had his one month appointment this last week and he is a growing healthy little man. He is now 21inches and 9.3lbs. which isn't a whole lot but if you think about it that is 2inches and 2lbs. that he has grown/gained in one month! I think he is going to be a very tall lanky little man. His arms are unbelievably long! He has quite a bit of hair and it cracks me up because he has a permanent Mohawk! I make every attempt to brush it down and it doesn't matter what I do but it goes straight up. It's actually pretty cute!
Alyssa is continuing to do very well with him. She is a very good big sister always covering him up, telling him "hi" and giving lots of hugs and kisses. With saying that, she also let's him know that she is the "BIG" sister in her own little way, by hitting him. He did get her back though the other day by pulling her hair. It was pretty funny. She bent down to give him a kiss or something and her hair got into his hand. He had a death grip on it and she was not happy! Oh let the fun begin!
It amazes me how in the last few months I have seen such a change in Alyssa. Her speech is coming along, although she has words for stuff probably only I would recognize. Her imaginative play is also continuing to prosper. The other day I was watching her in "her" kitchen and she makes herself something to eat and than will sit down and eat it and put it in the sink when she is done. It's so very cute to watch her do this and she loves her kitchen. Another thing is her baby. Her baby is almost as important as her blanket. Alyssa carries her around and will wrap her in the blanket, feed her, burp her and put her on the floor for tummy time etc. It's funny how much she mimics and understands. She will tell me that's her baby and say Knox is mine.
As for me, I have been keeping very busy. Besides Alyssa's activities I have been working on me! I have made it a point to hit the gym at least 5 days out of the week and I'm getting a personal trainer for awhile to help me with my target. I can't wait for that!!! In June I'm starting back up my golf lessons, I signed up for Lady's Night, which will be exciting and hopefully will meet some people who I can play with.
Cory has been working the Mariner's. You can pretty much say that whenever the Mariner's are at home, Cory is working. We are looking forward to our anniversary and getting away to Lake Chelan!
Friday, April 23, 2010
The Kids
Posted by The Simmons at 12:16 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
Ode to My High Heels
Oh high heels how I miss you so
Red, Black, Silver, Purple or with a bow
We went through so much together
Parties, dates, work and weddings
Sometimes we didn't get a long and you made me pay the price
When we did though, you made our entrance amazing and I knew our relationship would be priceless
Satin, buckles, leather and feathers.
We were a force to reckon with even in bad weather.
I never knew there would come a day when you would be replaced with screaming kids and poopy diapers and put away in the box you came in.
Oh how I yearn for one more night of dancing with blisters at the end.
You may not be there everyday but know each and everyone of you hold a place in my heart
One day you will be back daily and although it might be a rocky reconciliation it will be a start
Oh how I miss my high heels
Posted by The Simmons at 5:05 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Our beautiful children
Here are two pictures that were taken the other day at a studio. They are my favorite ones so I thought I would share!
Posted by The Simmons at 6:53 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 9, 2010
It's here!
Just a little precursor: this may be long!
Well it's been a whirlwind of the last three weeks and can't believe Knox is almost a month old, Cory starts his "whoring" season tomorrow which I have a lot of mixed feelings about, and I'm alone to take on the household duties. What will the next six months bring us?
On one hand I'm happy that financially we will be living it up but on the other at what price? Not that I want to let everyone in on our personal business but when I quit work money did get tight because Cory and I do live at a certain standard and never cut back. I wouldn't say we live WAY beyond our means but we like to have FUN! What is life if you aren't having fun right!? Well you have to have the funds to do that and the lotto hasn't been being very nice to us so for the mean time the season is hear!
It's been great having him, Cory, around and I'm not sure exactly what will happen if anything when he is gone. My main thing that I need to focus on is for all of us, Alyssa, Knox and I, to get out of the house and have fun on a daily basis and create important fun memories for the kids and I! With my mom's group I have learned about so many places, activities and people that I will be able to do that with and look forward to that
With saying all of this after adding our little man to our family I have learned that I need to rearrange me schedule and life isn't quite as simple as having one child. I personally think infants are pretty easy to have but I have really lucked out as well and have great eaters and sleepers, so I may not be the right person to ask about this! It's my two year old who is keeping me on my toes and possibly turning some of my hair gray prematurely! I love that little girl to pieces but she will be the first to let you know when she doesn't like something or doesn't want to do something you ask of her. This can be a little challenging at times.
Most of Alyssa's activities are in the morning. Now before Knox, bath time and "my" time were in the morning. I'm still getting used to having another person to tend to so maybe my old schedule will come back one day but for now it's all been flipped upside down! Bath time is now at night, no ifs ands or's about it. Which probably isn't a bad thing anyhow. For the most part I clean the house at night now, with the exception of vacuuming and the kitchen because that is through out the day. I'm sure some are thinking just let it go, don't worry about it. No, I refuse to live in a sty just because I have children. It won't always be perfect but it can at least be put together. My "me" time is at night now as well. Which for the most part is fine because bedtime still remains the same.
As for the kids, Alyssa is doing great she is now signed up for gymnastics until the end of August and I will probably keep her in it beyond that. Knox in one week will be a month! Boy how time flies. As for Cory and I we will celebrate our five year anniversary at the end of this month and are headed to Lake Chelan for two nights while my mom watches the kids! We are so looking forward to that! I'm done rambling for now, just chalk it up to an excessive amount of coffee being drank daily!!
Posted by The Simmons at 6:41 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Longview Adventure
Yesterday morning we headed down to Longview for an over night visit with family. My nephew and wife and their two kids were up from Nevada and we wanted to visit since we hardly ever get to see much of them.
They have two boys who are two and a half and one and are adorable! The kids had a great time playing with each other and terrorizing their Grandma. Two of my aunts stopped by to see us and give us some gifts for Knox. Which was very thoughtful of them. My middle sister even stopped by on her break from work for a quick hello. Now everyone in the family has seen Knox except for Lisa.....Hmmmm I wonder when she will see him : )
Anyhow, Knox spent the night with Cory's parents and had a good time. Although hejust slept and ate for the most part and did sleep for five hours through the night. Alyssa went on her Easter egg hunt there and both kids got their baskets that the Easter bunny left there.
Cory, Alyssa and I all stayed at the hotel and planned on swimming but by the time we got back we were exhausted and pretty much went to bed. Alyssa got to sleep in a big girl bed all by herself and did great with it. She was pretty tired as we all were and crashed. The next morning we headed back after picking up Knox. It was a quick trip but it was good to see everyone, especially since we aren't sure when we will get back down there.
The next few weeks are pretty busy with doctors' appointments, our anniversary getaway, and Cory being gone working off duty pretty much for two weeks. Some good memories to be made with all of this and hopefully some other fun stuff in between.
Posted by The Simmons at 3:47 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Day
Alyssa awoke this morning to find that the Easter Bunny came and left a basket at the bottom of the stairs for her. As she was walking down her eyes got so big and she looked at me with this look as of to say, "Is that for me?" and continued on down. She promptly sat at the bottom of the stairs and started to take everything out and examine each thing carefully.
I had decided not to put too much stuff in because I knew she would be getting spoiled by the Grandparents in the days to come. The E. Bunny had left Alyssa some sidewalk chalk, candy and of course a new toothbrush to go with it all. I'm not sure what she liked more the toothbrush or the candy. If you know Alyssa....she LOVES to brush her teeth! She was very cute. As she took out one of the chocolate bunny's she started to unwrap it and than looked at me questioningly and I told her to go ahead and eat it. She was very excited about this, it's not to often she gets chocolate that early in the morning! It's probably not a good idea either because she refused
to eat her favorite breakfast that morning as well and just wanted her candy!
Later on that day we all packed up and headed into Seattle for a wonderful dinner made by G. Grammy. She is such a good cook and was so good to spend some time with her and her with the kids. Alyssa adores her, although she is being shy around her when she first sees her for awhile, and I know Knox will as well when he gets a little older. It seemed that the E. Bunny had made a stop at Grammy's as well and left some stuff for the kids. Alyssa honed in on that right away and started digging for the chocolate. The peeps still aren't a favorite but those chocolate eggs you couldn't get away from her. We had dinner a little while later and it was simple but perfect, ham, green beans and spoon bread with wine. I'm happy to say this time I was able to enjoy a little vino myself!
We headed home around four or so because both Cory and I were exhausted, him from working and me, well from working as well. Throughout the day we got some great pictures to remember Easter 2010!
Posted by The Simmons at 6:54 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 2, 2010
Back to reality
Today Cory had to go back to work after having twenty days off. It was so nice having him home and although we didn't win the lottery I'm thankful he has a good job to provide for his family and make it possible for me to stay home and raise our family.
So today I ventured out with both kids for the first time by myself. Well it was actually the second time because the first I went to a friends house for a play date. I took the kids to the mall to get their picture taken with the Easter Bunny. I was actually really proud of myself because we got up at eight and were out of the door by nine thirty. Yes, I was showered and dressed as well as the kids and fed. We were going to go to Everett Mall but diverted to Alderwood with the down pour we were having and no parking garages in Everett. It worked out beautifully. Both kids were well behaved and Alyssa loved the Easter Bunny. Overall I would consider it a success even though I do realize not every time will be that way especially with a very sassy two year old in tow!`
I was planning on taking Alyssa on an Easter egg hunt but with the weather like it is I think we will forgo it this year and stay home and color eggs. We are going to Great Grammy's for dinner which will be good to spend some time with her.
Knox and Alyssa are continuing to do well. We are heading down to Longview next week over night to see my nephew and his family. We can't wait to see them and let the kids play together.
So while Cory was off he grew a goatee, which he normally does when he is off. Well, I'm not sure if it was Nicole or someone else but had suggested for him to leave a mustache when he had to shave it off, because Seattle doesn't allow them. Well I was trying to convince him to leave it on for one day when he went back to work and he wouldn't but did let me take a picture with it. Hilarious!
I went back to the gym today. It's been almost three weeks since Knox was born and I decided that I needed to get back in there. I took it easy but it sure felt good and I can already tell my legs and stomach are going to be sore tomorrow. I look forward to getting into shape, especially since it was one of my new years resolutions.
Posted by The Simmons at 11:35 AM 1 comments