Sunday, December 25, 2011


This year we wanted to go back to Leavenworth in the winter. Last time we went for New Year's and this time decided we wanted to go a little bit earlier and would do Christmas there. Since Cory had to actually work on Christmas we did it on his vacation and his whole family was able to go as well.

We stayed in the same home/cabin that we did before. The first day was great hanging out with family and the kids seemed to be having a great time. There was snow there but was pretty much ice so there was no playing in it. It was so weird to see it like this at this time of year, especially the pass, there was no snow what so ever.

The next day was another great day hanging out and later that night Cory's brother and his family arrived. We were looking forward to having our holiday dinner that night and letting the kids open presents. Come to find out one of Cory's brothers kids was sick throwing up and proceeded to get almost everyone else sick.

The rest of the time there was much of the same. We were very thankful that Cory's parents paid for our portion of the trip. It was very generous and appreciated. The kids had a great time my only wish was that there would have been more snow and some good snow at that.

Another trip in the books. Although the trip wasn't "perfect" or "ideal" I was happy to be hanging out with my family and creating some good memories for the kids. Im hoping that this is one tradition we continue with them and they do with theirs as well and together.