Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Party

This year Alyssa and Knox had their first Christmas Party with all their best friends.

Alyssa had been pretty excited for awhile and helped make all the goodies for the party. There were nine kids total and the party started around ten thirty with the last to leave about three!

We made salt dough ornaments for them to paint and had stockings for each one of them to decorate. All the kids had a blast doing them even the younger ones. Knox loves to do crafts!

All the kids played great together and it was good to hang out with my friends when the kids where off playing. I love doing this kind of stuff for the kids but after every time remind myself how exhausting it all is!

The day before we had a little get together with the besties where all the kids exchanged gifts. It was a great time had by all as usual. Knox got a Thomas train and Alyssa a magnet craft set that she loved! Again, so thankful for wonderful friends!