Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I love this time of year for so many reasons but one of them is that Cory takes vacation every year at this time so we have a ton of family time together. From this time until the end of the year we are always busy with activities and with the kids getting older the schedules are just becoming that much fuller.

For Thanksgiving we headed down to Longview for three days to spend with both of our families. We stayed in "our" hotel that we always do and the kids really seemed to enjoy it with swimming, Alyssa slept on the top bunk in their bedroom and they both loved watching cartoons in there all by themselves. I think it was the all you can eat free breakfast that they enjoyed the most. Why you ask? Because there were chocolate doughnuts! I don't normally give the kids that crap but on occasion it's nice and they loved it!

The first day we spent it with Cory's family and we all just hung out, enjoyed a great meal, listened to music and enjoyed plenty of good conversation. We also enjoyed watching Knox suck down every ones pie including his own. I'm not joking I think he probably had at least two whole pieces himself. This kid can eat!

We went to my parents house the second day and enjoyed another good meal. They guys all watched football as I snuck in once in awhile to see the scores and visit as well. It was also good to see my sister and hang out with her. Unbeknown to me, my mom decided to give the kids their Christmas presents since for whatever reason she had would not be seeing us during Christmas. We were unprepared so they didn't get their gifts but the kids seemed to enjoy opening theirs. Knox got some cars that he loves to play with and his own chair for the family room. Alyssa received some games for her Explorer, and a princess tent that she loves.

When we got back to the hotel we were exhausted after two full days and went to bed kind of early. The next day we headed out pretty early and were back home by noon just to start the next activity. Our neighbor came over that night and we had some pizza and beer and enjoyed a nice evening.

1 Comment:

Chris and Mandy said...

Glad you guys had a nice holiday! Must be nice having Cory around. Chris is taking time off at Christmas and I can't wait!