Monday, September 19, 2011

My Little Man

It is so hard to believe how big and what a little boy Knox is becoming. I feel like he is boy in every way. He loves to play with his cars, get dirty, terrorize his sister, play catch with his daddy, and run around keeping me on my toes.

He has such a long list of words he is now saying. It seems everyday there is something new. Here is just a few that come to my head.

Milk (sounds like elk)
More (signs it)
Thank you
All done
Me too (just started this)
Night Night
vroom (which is more just a noise he makes when he plays with his cars. He definitely makes car's so cute)
kiss (he will say this but if you also ask him for one he will blow you one. It's very cute)
Uh oh

Those are just some of the words and there are several animal sounds that he is making too. Like I said everyday seems to be something new and he has said his own, somewhat Alyssa's and a friend of mine. He is really a happy laid back boy. One of his favorite things lately to do is to go to the stairs crawl up half way or so and turn around and go down on his bottom. He thinks that is so funny and fun. I took the kids to the toy store the other day and whenever we go down the isle of toys with the cars and trucks he gets so stinking excited. It's very cute. His appetite is still going strong although by his waist you couldn't tell! He is going to be a tall lanky boy as I have said before.

Both the kids do great playing with each other although they both have their moments! Alyssa always tells him she loves him and gives him kisses good night and gets upset when she forgets. Cute but annoying at the same time. On a side note Alyssa had another dentist appointment the other day. It was just a cleaning but I was so proud of her. She went back there with them all by herself and got x-rays, teeth cleaned and was such a big girl! The dentist brought me back to see her through the glass window and she was doing fabulous. When she got all done she asked the hygienist if she did good. It was very cute! Love these kids!

We have a very busy month ahead of us or me. My trip to New York is quickly approaching and I can not wait for it! I'm planning on getting the kids goody bags for each day when I'm gone. Cory and my mom will be both watching them. My mom offered to come up when Cory worked so he didn't have to use his vacation time. Yay, for mom! Either way the kids will have a great time because even with just dad I can already here them say he is the fun one! I plan on doing my Christmas shopping while there so put your orders in now!