Thursday, September 15, 2011

New Beginnings

We had an amazing and very busy summer this year. The last three months have been a whirlwind. Originally we were going to have a laid buck summer but with everything going on it was anything but. Besides all of the "big" things we did we also had many play dates, museum fun, and park play. At times I wish I was able to stay at home and not do anything but I'm not and there is rarely a day that goes by that we are at home with nothing planned. With saying that I was really looking forward to September to arrive and things to slow down or get back to "normal."

Finally September is here and it's my favorite time of year! I probably say that a lot because I think every time of the year has it's perks but I really love this time of year! For me, a SAHM, the big kids are back in school and public places aren't as crowded, yay. There is college football on, which I love to root for my favorite teams. I also get my crock pot back out and start making yummy meals, turning the fire on and curling up with a good book or movie.

There have been a couple of changes to our lives. Alyssa has started preschool this last week! I have been so excited for her to do this. She is a social butterfly and I knew she would love it too as well as benefit from everything it has to offer. Cory and I both look back at this time in our lives with fond memories and I hope both our kids do as well. I have been talking a lot about it with Alyssa so she would be OK with me leaving her etc. I take the kids to the daycare at the gym but was still a little worried since this would all be new to her. We had a meeting with her teacher a week prior to go over a few things and stuff. Alyssa felt very comfortable and had fun playing while we talked. After leaving she even talked about going back and how she was excited. Thank goodness!

The day came for her to start. She had picked out her outfit the night before, well I should say several days before. For those of you who know her you know how she is and for those who don't she LOVES clothes. Yes, she is three and I'm in trouble! I was a little worried how the morning would go but that is because my son sleeps in. We were going to be leaving the house about the time he got up so I wasn't sure how that would work out. The morning actually went very well. There was no whining, she was excited, Knox was happy and Mama was nervous! At the preschool when we were waiting for the teacher to open the door it was hard for me to get a feeling if others were nervous or what. Once the door opened and all the kids seriously went running in I walked Alyssa in and said goodbye to her and she did try and follow but didn't cry and neither did I. The teacher did have to distract her because she was a little stand offish and started to follow.

Knox and I went and had a play date with some friend and her son. When it was time to pick her up the teacher said she was fine and warmed right up. Alyssa talked about it all day and was so excited the next day as well! She pretty much just said by Mom, which she calls me now instead of Mommy. I find this funny for some reason. Anyways that was such a relief and we had a good morning running errands and hanging out. Life is going to be grand when Knox starts preschool and she is in Kindergarten. Hard to believe but yay! She has even been asking this weekend to go back and when she would. Thank goodness! Hopefully that feeling sticks around for a long time since she has many years of this to come. I'm so excited for this experience for her and to watch her grow in all areas.

The other change we made is we changed dance studios. I wasn't going to but I just didn't feel right staying where we were for several reasons. When a friend said she wanted to get her daughter into it and we started talking I decided to switch and go with her so the girls could be in the same class. I'm so glad I did. When we got there the first day of class and walked into the studio all my doubts went away. I know that sounds silly considering. Anyways this new place is amazing and super friendly. Alyssa is obsessed with dance. All dance she watches her recital DVD all the time and tries to do the other dances it's pretty cute. Anyways she went right in there and was ready to go. The instructor had them stretch for a few minutes and then were off and Alyssa was great. Such a difference from last year at the beginning. I'm really looking forward to this year in dance and to see where it brings her.

This is our new norm with preschool, dance, and play dates for the week. Don't forget to throw in the gym, errands, and all other house hold chores on top of it. We are a busy family but I wouldn't trade it for the world.