Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wedding and A Little Chelan Time

A good friend of Cory's and mine was getting married this last week in Tri-Cities so we headed over there for a couple of days and then decided we would head over to Lake Chelan after that and hang out with some of our other friends for a few days.

Cory was the best man in the wedding so we were there for all the wedding festivities. It took place at a winery in the Tri-Cities area where they live. I was excited to go back over there, I had spent a lot of time there when I went to college. The weather was perfect for us too in the mid 80's, normally this time of year it is a lot hotter but with this crazy weather it has been a lot cooler.

The wedding was good and uneventful, that's good right!? Alyssa on the other hand could not wait for the cake and dancing. Let me tell you that kid loves to dance! She was probably out on the dance floor dancing for an hour and half or so before she left. She even found someone that she fancied to dance with at the tables and even cut in on him and his wife. It was pretty funny. He was an interesting guy to talk to. The brides sister was married to him and he used to play junior hockey for Tri-Cities. Being the hockey lovers we are it was interesting to chat with him and his son who plays for a team in Canada where they live.

Anywho, the next day we headed to our friends cabin in Chelan for some more R&R and fun! The kids were excited, OK Alyssa since I don't really think Knox knew what was going on but was along for the ride. Alyssa knew she was going somewhere with a boat and she couldn't wait!

When we got to Chelan the weather wasn't the greatest muggy but overcast and had been raining. The rain stopped and it wasn't bad at all. Our friends were excited to see us and the kids and we got some snacks and beverages and headed outside and relaxed for a little while before going for a spin in the boat.
I wasn't sure how Alyssa would do because when she gets a little nervous or something she refuses to do the activity etc. I had talked to her about being on the boat etc. and to my surprise she jumped on and was all for it.

The next two days there were lots more of this going on. Boating, snacks, beverages, and relaxing. Who could ask for more! We took the boat over to Manson and got shaved ice and walked around town and picked up some cheeses from a little shop and stopped at this little winery for a tasting. We headed back to the boat where we enjoyed a nice long boat ride and both kids fell asleep. Knox was snuggled right into my chest and it was nice, especially knowing he is my last.

Once back it was relaxing time again with snacks, beverages, lake time and some friends of our friends showed up on their boat with their teenage daughter and her friend. It was great talking with them. The guys took the boat over to Manson to get us our dinner, pizza and we enjoyed the evening. I love lake life!

We had to head home the next day because I had a prior obligation. I was going to the Sugarland concert with a friend of mine. It was a relaxing busy time and we were happy to get the kids away for some family fun time!