Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Week At Nana's

After Alyssa's recital her Nana Gail asked if she could take her to Longview for a few days to spend some time with her. Alyssa was very excited about this but was upset when she found out she had to wait until the next day to go.
Sunday Knox and I took Alyssa down to Seattle and visited with Grammy some more before they headed down to Longview. After a few hours we said our goodbyes and headed home. At first I wasn't sure what the week would hold for Knox and I because usually the activities I do suit Alyssa more than Knox. That was short lived and our week quickly filled up.

Monday we headed out to Kayak Park with some friends and enjoyed a few hours out there enjoying it. This is one of our favorite spots to go to and I'm so happy that our good friends enjoy it too. One of the little girls with us was having her party on Saturday and our other friend was unable to be there for it so we did a mini celebration. If Alyssa knew all of this she would be so upset. It was a lot of fun.
Knox loved playing in the water and freaked out a lot when I took him out. Once again, no surprise.

Later that week I also canned for the first time with a friend while of mine, while our kids played, and we made some strawberry jam. It was so much fun, ha, but I hope to do more this summer if possible. I would love to do tomatoes, jalapenos/or salsa.

That was our week for the most part a long with other little things in between. Alyssa on the other hand had an amazing week with her Nana. Hopefully I will be able to fully get everything straight and so I will mention a few and hit on a few others.

I know there were stops at Starbucks, which Alyssa got her "pink pop cake", trips down to the elementary school to play and ride her car, a celebration of Nana's bday, and nail painting. My parent's were able to come up one evening for dinner and to visit. I guess they stayed for a few hours and had a nice visit. Unfortunately they were unable to see Alyssa for the rest of her visit.

They even got to have some tea party's which Alyssa loves doing. She has a tea set at home that she likes playing with and also her kitchen dishes where she is always more than happy to cook something up for you. After they were all done Alyssa got to wash the tea set, which I'm sure she enjoyed more than anything. Playing in soapy water, fun!

One day they went down to Vancouver so she could spend some time with her cousins. From the sounds of it they all had a good time playing with each other. I'm happy that Nana makes an effort to get the kids together as much as possible.

Nana had a hair appointment to go to and decided to take Alyssa. I wasn't too sure how that would go since it was a two hour appointment. Alyssa was very good. She got to play with George's bulldog puppy, Hank, who she loved. Alyssa herself also got her hair trimmed, with my permission, and french braided. I guess she was an angel the whole time she was there and even gave George a hug when they left. Which is huge for Alyssa especially for a first time meeting.
I had to laugh because I don't know what I was so worried about I'm sure this was right up her ally!

On Friday we met at our normal meeting place and made the "exchange." Alyssa and Nana were both exhausted but I know they both had an amazing week together. I'm so thankful that the kids have someone who is willing to make all these memories with them. They will cherish these when they are older. I think Knox enjoyed the one on one too! I know those two missed each other. They love playing with each other and Alyssa will ask for him when he is napping. They are so cute together.