Monday, April 4, 2011

It's All About Knox

I have been meaning to write this post for awhile now but haven't for one reason or another.

This last month Knox turned one and I can't believe how quick the year has gone by. Once he had his birthday I swear he decided OK, I'm one now enough of this sitting around and being good. He is still a very good boy but now he is into everything and trying his hardest to talk. I have honestly been enjoying him not walking so soon because I know he is our last one and want to try and enjoy every moment but I also can't wait for this to happen as well. I'm sure within the next month or so it will be official.

When he had his doctor's appointment for his one year check up, I found out that he had pneumonia! I felt horrible. Alyssa had got a cold but was over it in a day like she usually is. Knox had a little runny nose but nothing big and a cough that I really only heard in the morning but seemed fine other than that. When the doctor told me this I couldn't believe it. Talk about feeling like a horrible mother! We have, I think, the best doctor and he told me not to feel bad that it happens all the time etc. etc. He went on to tell me some funny stories and chit chat. Knox was put on meds and was fine after a day or so of taking them. They put off getting his shots for another week. I don't remember exactly but he is at 22lbs and 29 inches. It's kind of funny this is exactly where Alyssa was except she was two pounds heavier.
The following week we went in to get his shots and he took him like normal, a champ! Alyssa even held his hand, it was very cute. The nurse was really enjoying watching them together.

I have to laugh because I've had a friend or two tell me that I should talk to the doctor about this and stuff. I don't say anything but I'm laughing because there is absolutely no concern at all from me or his doctors. Anyhow this always makes me laugh when people say things about children when they have no idea what they are talking about and that children develop at different rates. I wonder if some of these parents are the ones that teachers dread too. I'm sure they think their kids are also the gifted ones. Ha!

Over the year I have gotten many questions about where I came up with his name. I always tell everyone how I heard of it and that it wasn't a happy story but I loved the name and from that moment it stuck with me. Cory came across something on the Internet about a Knox Simmons that was a cowboy back in the day. I think I will start telling people that we named him after a cowboy. Here is a link if your interested in checking it out. It's actually pretty interesting I think, but I enjoy history.

1 Comment:

Chris and Mandy said...

Aren't people obnoxious? If all kids developed at the exact same rate, the world would be a pretty boring place, wouldn't it? Kids aren't robots, they're individuals!

Sorry to hear about the pneumonia, but glad the doctor caught it before it became worse! You're not a horrible mom at all :)