Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Birthday Eve

It's hard to believe that a year ago I still hadn't had my little man yet. For many of us we have days where we can remember the exact details of what happened. Mine are getting proposed to, my wedding day/weekend, and the birth of my children. There may be more but these are the ones that stand out the most and are very important to me.

One year ago.....

At my last doctor's appointment he had decided to induce me because I had had a migraine for the last month and nothing that I could do was helping at all. People who get migraines can all relate. The hard part was that it wasn't like he was my first I had another child to take care of so I couldn't just lay in bed like I had really wanted to do with the lights out. He said March 15th would be the day!

Yahoo was my feeling but it was still like five days away at that point so I wasn't too stoked. That Monday came and I got up early and showered because I wasn't going in there with hairy legs. I know silly but I wasn't. I waited all day long! Around four o'clock I called the office because that's what I was instructed to do if I hadn't heard anything. After talking with them and finding out that my doctor was on call that night, they were going to do everything in their power to get me in.

Again we sat and waited. I had talked with the doctor around seven and he told me they were having shift change and was going to be speaking with the head nurse. Than if came, around 8:45 or so we got the call. We were all ready and we said goodbye to my niece who was staying with us and going to watch Alyssa, she was already in bed. The ride to the hospital felt like the quickest but the slowest at the same time. I knew what to expect but wasn't sure if I was really ready for another child! A little late for that at this point.

Once we got all checked in, got my iv, and had the doctor break my water it was around 10:30 or so. I was already dilated to 5cm and he said I would probably have him around 4-5 in the morning. I remember laughing to myself after looking at the clock and thinking that he was wrong and my little man was going to be there a lot sooner! Cory was on the phone with his Mom who was in Seattle and after talking with her she decided she couldn't wait and drove up to hang out with us. Once she arrived we were going to play a game of scrabble. At this point my contractions started coming quickly and hard. I had Cory go get the nurse because I was ready for my epidural. The nurse came in and checked me again and I was already at 7-8cm. We had a little conversation that I won't go into but my contractions were coming every 10 seconds or so and lasting what seemed to be forever. All I wanted was the pain to stop. After what seemed forever I got my epidural which I wished I would have never got. (There is info. on that on a post last year after having Knox) I didn't even get to enjoy it because once it was in I told her I needed to push she got the doctor, who couldn't believe it either. He said he had four woman in labor right then and I was the only one who was even close! I laughed and told him he was wrong that it wasn't going to be 4-5 in the morning! Shortly after that around 12:51 our baby son Knox Michael arrived into this world!

I had easy deliveries with both of my kids but did deal with pregnancy related difficulties. I couldn't wait until later that morning when Alyssa would arrive and my family would all be together!