Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentines Day Party

It's not Valentine's Day yet but Alyssa had her first V-day party yesterday. We had so much fun! There were four moms and a total of eight kids. The party was three hours and all the kids played great together and there were no major melt downs. I really enjoy hanging out with these Mom's as well they are a great group of ladies and the kids are children Alyssa will be going to school with too.

We made Valentines cards, frosted/decorated cookies, played inside and outside it
was a great day. There were a ton of goodies to that kept the kids entertained as well. I didn't get any pictures of the party but trust me it was fun and I'm looking forward to doing it again next year. I'm sure I will have another one again soon, maybe a Easter one!

I was supposed to have a Ladies Night the same evening and by late afternoon after the party, cleaning house, and running errands, I was exhausted and ended up canceling. I was bummed but I enjoyed sitting in a guite house and watching Grey's Anatomy on my laptop curled up in a blanket and no one bugging me!

Having kids makes these little "holidays" fun again. Even though Cory and I do something for each other and celebrate in some way every year it's great to live life all over through the eyes of your children and watch them experience everything.

The next two weeks are packed with stuff going on and I can't wait!