Monday, February 21, 2011

Birthday Weekend

This last weekend was a huge one for us. Our baby girl was turning 3! We can't believe it. It seems just like yesterday she was born. I can remember pretty much every detail of that day. I won't bore you though but if you are interested you can go back and look at that post.

To start it off good, Cory and I got a babysitter, Nana Gail, Nanny, and Great Aunt Judy, and we went out to dinner at Salty's. We had a gift card for there and were wanting to use it before this upcoming Mariner's season arrived. We dropped the kids
off in Seattle that afternoon and than headed over to one of the guys Cory works with who lives in West Seattle on the water. When I say on the water, I'm not kidding. The spray literally hits his front window. It was an amazing place and I hope he didn't think I was kidding when I said he might find me there on his front lawn when he got home this summer. After hanging out for an hour or so we headed on over to the restaurant for our reservation. I'm not a huge fan of the place, I think they have good food but is completely overpriced and your mainly paying for the location. Who's to complain when you have a gift card though, right!? We had a great dinner and than headed on back to pick up the kids who were entertaining every one and both refused to take a nap, of course. The ride home was very peaceful with two sleeping kids in the back.

Friday morning we got a bunch of errands done before Papa Ron showed up. When we got the call that he was at the hotel we headed on over for an afternoon of swimming. Alyssa loves the water and talks about swimming all the time and has gone many times as well. For whatever reason she did not want to get into the water but just sit on the side and put her legs in. I was teasing her saying she didn't want to get her hair wet. Knox on the other hand had a blast. I knew he would considering how much he loves to play in the bathtub and splash around. When we got him in the pool he loved every minute of it. Laughing and squealing the whole time! I really need to get both the kids signed back up for swim lessons. Knox may have to wait until fall so I can do it with him but Alyssa is now of the age where she can do it by herself. After a great swim we headed home to get cleaned up before going out to dinner at our favorite pizza place in Snohomish.

Saturday is the day we had Alyssa's birthday party. I was feeling bad that I didn't have a children's party for her. I was just having a hard time deciding what I wanted to do for it. I knew one thing though was I didn't want it at my house and it started stressing me out. I finally decided just to do a family party and invited the family over for a wonderful dinner and dessert. We decided to get it catered from our favorite Italian restaurant Luca's. It was amazing! When we kept asking Alyssa what she wanted for her birthday she just told us a purple Ariel cake and to go to a hockey game. She got part of it, the Ariel cake, but no hockey game. The Silvertips were out of town so that will have to happen another time.
Everyone showered her with gifts. There are so many princess things and jewelry in this house I have no idea what to do with. Thank goodness we had a son to balance it all out!

Sunday, her actual birthday, we spent a quiet morning cleaning up and relaxing before we decided what we wanted to do. Nana Peggy and Papa Jerry got her a gift certificate for the Children's Museum, so we decided to go spend the afternoon there before going out for a birthday dinner. It was a perfect day to go. I was a little worried how crowded it would be but surprisingly it wasn't bad at all. The weather was perfect for us so we got to go up on the rooftop playground. When we normally go it is usually raining so we have never been up there. It was so much fun. She probably would have stayed up there all day long if we would have let her. Thirty minutes was about enough for us before we decided it was time to eat.
We decided to go to Red Robin since we knew she could get a very special ice cream treat and they would sing for her. It was cute.

There you have it. Our baby girl is 3! She is turning into such an amazing little girl and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for her.