Friday, September 10, 2010

Fire Sation 72

Today I was able to spend a little girl time with Alyssa and take her on one of the outings with my Mom's group. There was a tour of one of the fire stations in Snohomish so I thought what a great place to start the day.
As usual it was a great tour and I enjoyed seeing a few of the mom's that I like and who I haven't seen in awhile. The tour last about an hour or so and we were able to see their living quarters, ladder truck and aid unit. The kids got to sit in the drivers seat and walk in the ambulance.

I think it was great that we were able to go and see what these guys do especially since tomorrow is September 11. Im thankful everyday for what the men and woman who put their lives on the line to protect YOUR family while taking time away from THEIRS. These men and woman are paid and trained not for what they do on a day to day basis but for what they might have to do.

Im going to drop off some brownies at our local fire station tomorrow that is right up the road from our house. We will also thank the police as well as we do everyday!