Thursday, September 9, 2010


This last week has been busy as usual. I'm beginning to think I start every post with that or put it in there at least somewhere. I will try to stop but I guess that is our lives and I don't for see it changing. One thing for us to look forward to is Cory will be home more starting in November. Mariners will finally be over and soccer I think will end, than I only have to deal with once a week Seahawks. Although I'm thankful for the extra income I'm more thankful for the family time we are able to spend together and for Cory to spend with the kids. We have had many activities, melt downs, a loss for the Cougs which is looking like another very long season and an ER visit for me. At least I got to watch the game while there but
considering I would have rather not. I'm OK and nothing too serious I guess but more of that on my other blog post which will be up in a few days.

Today we took Alyssa "school clothes" shopping. She is starting her Toddler Program next week so I thought what does almost every child look forward to at the beginning of a school year, new clothes! This was also mainly done because she has outgrown most of the clothes in her closet. It was fun taking her and I tried to let her have a say in her clothes. Like any girl I found she not only wanted the one I picked up but one in every color and her love of shoes is very apparent. A girl after my own heart! I love this kiddo!!!!

After we got done neither of us wanted to go back home so we headed down to
Alderwood and went to Toys R Us and to Claim Jumper for lunch. Most people probably wouldn't take their kids to a toy store fearing for melt downs and stuff. Cory and I have decided it's a great place to kill time out of the rain, see what they actually like and will play with, and it's about an hour's worth of entertainment. If you find it necessary to buy something they have cheap things, under five dollars, that your children will love just as much as the one hundred dollar toy.
It makes me very excited for the holidays, birthdays and for Knox to be older!

I'm enjoying this time with my little man and it makes me just a little sad every
time a milestone is reached knowing that he is our last one. He is such a sweet little boy and I can't wait to see what kind of child becomes. Knox has his six month check up next week and like always I can't wait to see how much he has gained and grown. Than there are those dreaded shots. It's funny because every time this comes up, the shots, it always crosses my mind if Im doing the right thing. I know in my heart I am but I still wonder. I have some friends who refuse to give their children some of the vaccinations and it's kind of interesting to me to hear their reasonings and such. I guess we all have to do what we believe is right for our own children.