Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A week behind and forward

February is the shortest month and for some reason seems to be the busiest for us. This last week was actually our "slow" week. We went out on Friday and had dinner with Nicole to celebrate her birthday. It was nice to get out and be among adults only something that I no longer take for granted. We had a good dinner and conversation and after went to get dessert at the Melting Pot but only because Nicole wanted it ; )

Saturday was such a beautiful day. We spent it hanging around the house outside and getting it cleaned up and ready for spring. Which can't come quick enough. Alyssa played on her tricycle and later on we barbecued for the first time this year. Nothing is better than the smell of a grill!

We are all recovering from colds, which couldn't have come at a worse time for us. Cory got to go to Alyssa's gymnastics class and I think he enjoyed seeing what she does. I know he is glad that I keep her so involved in activities. We also had her playgroup at the house this week. It was crazy having 7 kids plus the moms inside the house at once, and not even all of them were hear today, and the chaos it brings. For those of you who know how big our house is you would agree. One of the ladies and I are both having another one so that will be ten kids among us all! I'm so glad Alyssa is involved in this. I feel it's so important for young children to be able to interact on a regular basis with children their own age. They learn so much from children that they don't get from adults. I maybe wrong for this but I think you can tell a big difference in children who aren't around kids than those who are.

The rest of the week is filled with my doctor appointments, lunch with friends, a Valentines cookie decorating party (for Alyssa) and my ladies night out. Next week is filled with more of the same along with a great weekend of birthday celebrations!

1 Comment:

Nicole said...

Only because I wanted it who do you think you're kidding!? Puh-lease!