Wednesday, January 20, 2010

All about ME!

We are almost a month into the new year and I have decided that this is the year that I'm going to start making things about me. Some of you may be laughing especially knowing we have a toddler and another baby on the way. Obviously my children come first but I have decided that I'm not going to get lost in that mix and have made several resolutions that are about ME and my well being.

The first thing that I vow to do is get into really good shape. Since I'm a SAHM I have absolutely no excuse to get into the gym at least four times a week if not more. One of the things I want to start doing is running. Again for those of you who do know me, your probably laughing because I hate running. A friend of mine took it up this last year and is doing amazing. My goal with this is to run a half marathon and work my way from there. Especially since this is on my list of things to do before I'm 40. I think chasing after two little ones will also burn some calories. The other thing that I'm vowing to do, which is going to be crazy impossible, is to keep junk food out of the house. Although good, we don't need any of it. My downfall is going to be that I love to bake and I love chocolate. So maybe I will just say to cut back.

Secondly at least once a month I'm going to take time to pamper myself. Now I'm not talking extravagant outings to a Spa Resort that will break the bank but anything from taking an hour or so for a hot bath, with no int eruptions such as "mama" or questions from the husband, to getting a pedicure, facial, massage, hair cut etc. I don't consider myself a real girly girl BUT I do love to get pampered.
The other thing that I guess would fall into this category is to look put together every time I leave the house. I'm excluding working out from this. I know with having two kids your clothes get spilled on, spit up on and etc. but I want to at least look like I have it going on even if the inside I'm a scattered mess!

Next I'm going to start writing again. Now, Nicole don't think I'm copying you because I'm really not. I used to write a lot, wrote for the school newspaper and even considered a career in journalism but several things changed my mind with that. I have several ideas for some short stories etc. Besides writing this blog I really miss it, even if it's just me that will be reading them.

Reading is something that I also want to get back into. I have joined a book club and I'm enjoying that so much. We take turns picking books and for the most part I have been very happy with the selections. There have been several I would have never read and have enjoyed so much. It's really opened my mind to other authors and topics than what I normally would read.

There are several other things such as, golf, cooking, gardening (no comments from anyone on this one), not driving and talking on cell phone etc. that I want to improve on. As well as being the best wife, mother, daughter(in-law), sister(in-law),friend, person that I can possibly be. We will see where this list of things takes me. Hear is to another wonderful challenge that will probably be out the window within the next hour or so!