Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Baby Deuce's baby shower and week ahead

Last weekend Nicole and I headed to Longview where her and my mom gave me a baby shower. It turned out fantastic and they went to a lot of work. The food was fantastic like always, my mom is a wonderful cook! I got to see two of my Aunts whom I haven't seen in a very long time along with an old friend from high school. It was great seeing her and catching up. I got lots of great gifts for Baby Deuce as well as diapers. We headed back up to Seattle afterwards and Alyssa stayed down in Longview with her Grandma Gail for the week. I have been missing her like crazy but it's been nice to get some stuff on and to try and catch up on some much needed rest!

We turned Alyssa's crib into a toddler bed and I can't wait to see how she does in it when she comes home. Im sure it will take some getting used to but hopefully she is not getting up too much! We also moved the changing table out of her room and into the baby Deuce's room. I thought about starting to potty train her but I don't feel she is ready for it yet. We read books on it and she flushes the toilet and stuff but to fully start I think would be pushing her at this point. Although it will suck having two in diapers it will only be for a little while.

Baby Deuce's room is all done! I still have some things to get, as for a new monitor, clothes hamper and some baskets to put stuff in. Other than that we are ready to go and anxiously awaiting his arrival. I had my doctors appointment today and everything is look very good. Im so thankful for that. Although I wished I was done Im going to really try and enjoy these next few weeks, which are going to fly by!

Alyssa's second birthday is coming up and Im so excited for it. I can't wait for her to get her birthday present which she is absolutley going to love and for her party. Cory and I got her a play kitchen for her room. She has so much fun playing with all this stuff when we go to her friends house or the museum. I just hope it fits ok in her bedroom! I still can't believe she is going to be two years old and what a remarkable little girl she is becoming!

1 Comment:

Nicole said...

I can't wait to see both the new beds in their rooms! They look so cute!