Thursday, February 19, 2009

One year ago

One year ago today we got the news that we had waited anxiously for and that was, it's time! I remember this day like it was yesterday. We went in for my weekly appointment which would probably be my last before I went into labor. I was feeling "done" with being pregnant and my feet were the size of Fred Flintstones and was hoping and praying that at this appointment she would say that I was going to have the baby today. I was still six days out from my due date. After getting weighed and all the fun stuff the doctor came in and examined me. She had informed me that I was 4cm dilated and was wondering if I was having any contractions, which I wasn't. She saw my feet and rubbed them and said that she was sorry. At that point she looked at us and gave us two options.

Option #1 was she would break my water at that very moment. My heart skipped a beat and I remember asking "will it hurt?"

Option #2 was we could come back the next morning and get admitted to the hospital and have our little girl than.

Cory and I were looking at each other pretty stunned for we still had a week left of freedom. We opted for #2. Being the planners that we are, this worked the best for us. There were more details, but I wont bore everyone with that.

We were able to come home get Harley boarded, make the necessary phone calls etc. That evening was pretty weird. As excited and nervous as we were I think the both of us just stared at the television in shock. This was really going to happen. We did go to bed early that night. I can't say either one of us got a whole lot of sleep.

The next day was one of the best days of our lives and we will never forget the events of it.

1 Comment:

Chris and Mandy said...

What a fantastic post, Paula! Alyssa is going to have so much fun reading this blog when she's older. Don't you feel so lucky and blessed to have her?