Monday, October 29, 2012

Preschool Field Trip

Last week Alyssa had her field trip to one of the pumpkin patches up by our house, The Farm.  It's one that I have been going to for the last four years now and it's pretty cool. 

We really lucked out on the weather.  It was a beautiful foggy morning and after an hour or so it lifted and was a crisp fall day that turned out to be perfect!  The ground wasn't wet so there was no need for rain boots, unlike normal fall weather around the PNW.  There was also really no need for jackets.

Alyssa and I met up with her class for a nice three hour trip.  First up was the hay ride out to get our pumpkins.  On the way she sat next to her friend Miley and Mason.  She actually snuck a kiss into Mason.  It was so cute.

Once out into the field Alyssa picked out several pumpkins we were allowed two for free and any others we had to pay for.  She really wanted to bring some home for Knox.  It was very cute.
When we got back to the farm our next stop was the barn for the hay maze and slide. 

It's funny because I mentioned that I have been going here for the last few years with Alyssa.  This year was a whole new experience for both of us.  Meaning the shy girl she once was is blossoming into this little girl that at times I don't even recognize.  She was probably the first one in and running all over climbing up the hay barrels and heading to the slide.  It was fun to watch all the kids fly down that thing!

Next up were the duck races...literally!  I will post a video so you can get a look at that!

Then we headed over to the play area and the kids ran around playing on the slides, swings, corn pit, and another hay maze.  I got to chat with a couple of moms and that was nice.

After we were done there we headed over to see some of the new baby animals on the farm.  Alyssa loved the kittens.  She wants a cat soo bad!  Thankfully Cory is allergic so I don't have to worry about getting one, plus I dislike cats.

Next up was the ice cream which Alyssa let her teacher know was her favorite part when asked at school the next week.  We were waiting for that to start and were excited to learn that the pig races were beginning to start so we headed on over there to have our ice cream and watch the races.

After all was said and done and our good byes made we headed down to pick up Knox who was hanging out with his friend Cal at the Children's Museum.  They were having a blast and we hung out for about an hour before we had to pack it up and head out.


Lisa Cameron said...

I can't believe you dislike cats! I love them. I love dogs, too.

The Simmons said...

Ha, Lisa, Im not sure why but they annoy me!!