Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Wiggles...Again

My Mom purchased tickets for us to go to the Wiggles a while back and the day finally arrived.
Alyssa doesn't watch them too much anymore, she is more into the princess or girly thing, but every time she does see them enjoys dancing and says how she wants to go back. When my mom was up for her recital and saw the ad on t.v. who could resist.
The times for the shows sucked. They had one mid afternoon and in the evening. Now Alyssa doesn't really nap anymore but she does have quiet time so it was a hard decision trying to figure out which one I wanted to go to. I chose the afternoon one.

The show was at two thirty in Seattle. We headed on down and had to wait around a little before we got to our seats. We sat in the fourth row and had a great time. The kids did great despite being tired. Alyssa had a great time telling "Brad" to wake up. Jeff was unable to attend due to heart surgery. Both kids also enjoyed dancing around.

I'm so thankful that I get to share these things with the kids. I know there will be a time when they no longer want us to be around but hopefully that won't happen. Is that wishful thinking or what!?