Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

I was going back and forth as to what to do this mother's day weekend. Since I hadn't been down to Longview for awhile I decided to head on down and see everyone. It was a quick trip since I had obligations at home that I needed to take care of.

When we got into town we headed over to my parents house and hung out with them for the rest of the afternoon and early evening. It was good to see everyone and the kids, mainly Alyssa, loved running around the house and eating cookies of course. After dinner we headed up to Cory's parents house where we were staying. The kids played for awhile and I attempted to get Knox to bed but I think with all the excitement he was not ready and stayed up until eleven or so.

The next day we headed back to my parents house and hung out until late afternoon. Around two we decided it was time to head back home but before going I stopped off to see a friends jewelry show she was having in town. Her jewelry is amazing and I'm so proud of her for everything she has accomplished. She even got one of her pieces featured in the show True Blood. After chatting with her for awhile I decided on the piece that was going to become mine. I purchased a beautiful bracelet.

I ran into someone else I went to school and run around with. Sometimes I think it would be nice to live a little closer or back "home." Then after being there for awhile I realize hell no. I hope those reading this from there don't take offense but I don't think you would understand unless you have lived somewhere else. I got my fix of Longview and we headed back home.

That was Mother's Day weekend in a nutshell.