Friday, May 28, 2010

This and That

We have been busy as usual with numerous activities and mainly trying to have fun. I haven't wanted to say anything but for the last few nights Knox has slept through the night. I have been so excited and with saying that last night he slept a whole twelve hours straight! We have never felt to sleep deprived with him and I was mainly only getting up once a night but I can't be more thrilled and hope this continues!
I have finally decided on a toddler class for Alyssa in the fall. I was going back and forth between two in our area and decided to do the co-op one in Lake Stevens. Hopefully it's not too overwhelming with the stuff I need to participate in along with everything else I have going on! Needless to say it will be great experience
for her and I can't wait for her to start preschool. I think it's so important for children to be in preschool but I wont get on that soap box just yet.
Which brings me to another subject that some of my friends and I were talking about the other day, and that is behavior of children at different ages. I'll just leave it at that because that is a whole other post in itself ; )
Anyhow...we have another busy week coming up and really looking forward to it. Next weekend is our kickoff to summer with our camping trip and then the beach in two weeks!