Thursday, February 25, 2010

Miss Independence

The last couple of months Alyssa has definitely started to show her independence. She no longer will crawl down the stairs but insists that either you walk down with her or will now walk down by herself. For her birthday, although only a few days ago, she received her own chair with footstool and she insists on sitting in that and watching her morning cartoons with her blanket and milk. I have noticed when I take her somewhere either the park or museum she is now fine wandering around by herself and doesn't want or need me to be right on top of her, although I'm always close by. I have been giving her options to choose from as far as activities to do or what to have for lunch and she seems to enjoy this.
She is doing wonderful in her big girl bed. I'm so glad that we got this taken care of before Baby Deuce arrives. Nothing more to say on the potty training front. I'm not pushing it and still don't feel like she is quite ready for it yet but hopefully within the next six months or so. Her favorite words are now "mine" and "no." She has thrown some nice tantrums and like her doctor said everyone goes through the terrible two's and if they say they don't they are lying! I so agree.
Well my doctors appointment went well today. Everything is progressing normally. My BP was up but nothing they were to concerned with at this point and my cervix is soft. So now I'm just counting down and hoping for a St. Patty's day baby. We can't wait to meet this little man and get going with life.