Monday, January 4, 2010

Random thoughts and happenings

So not too much is going on but getting back into our routine. Which pretty much consists of busy weeks! I'm working on plans for Alyssa's second birthday, which I'm looking forward to and trying to figure out what to get the kid who has everything, well almost!

I have been having all these thoughts lately about people parenting and kids. One of my biggest pet peeves is parents who do not discipline their own children. Than just blame it on their gender! What!?! Just to let you know it has nothing to do with gender. Yes there is a difference in how little girls and boys play and such but if they misbehave, like they all do, discipline them for gods sake!

My friend Jamie, who is in our playgroup, is having a little girl in February. Her and I decided to swap clothes since she already has a boy who happens to have been born in March. So our children of the same sex will be born in the same months and it worked out perfectly! I was so excited when I saw all the clothes. Our little Deuce is going to be a well dressed kid. I have realized that I'm pretty picky when it comes to my children's clothes. Something I knew with Alyssa but didn't think I would be with a boy, but I am. Thankfully I have a little while when I still have control over it. The clothes that Jamie gave me where just to my liking!

Last week after Christmas I was exhausted and started feeling pretty sick. I had talked with a nurse who wanted me to go into Triage and get checked out. I was pretty nervous but everything came back OK. My blood pressure was up but it eventually went back down. I'm still pretty nauseated and feet hurt. I was told that I need to take it easy and I probably over did it during the holidays, and if I didn't it could lead to bed rest. UGH! Anyhow, I go back to the doctor next week and we will see how everything looks. I have to go back on Friday for a 3hr glucose test. Which is horrible. I was so hoping I didn't have to but am not surprised. I was high with Alyssa too but after the 3hr one was OK. They just want to double check because I came back high this time as well. Which leads me to my other thought. I have been getting all these fun pregnancy related things and the onething I have really wanted I haven't got, big boobs! Now why couldn't I have to deal with that!?!?!

With all that being said I'm just very thankful that both my children and husband are healthy and we had a great 2009. We are very excited for 2010 and all the things that we have planned in the coming year!