I've said it time and again but it amazes me how quickly babies change! I swore when we picked her up in Longview she had grown and I may be right. She can't walk under our kitchen table anymore without bumping her head and she can now reach the television, which is a BIG no no. The other day she said what I thought sounded like dog but was more like "og" or maybe I was just wanting her to say something. She loves to point to her name in her room and point to herself and laughs at me when I spell it
out. We have made up a silly little song about it which she laughs at but I think it's more at me! Her walking skills are improving day by day. I'm now able to tell she understands stuff when spoken to. I will say "milk" and she will look around for her cup and go and get it. Pointing is one of her favorite things to do but if you don't get her what she wants she definitely lets you know. She has quite the feisty attitude. I have been enjoying her snuggling lately. She never was a snuggler until recently. The other night her and I curled up on the couch and I watched a movie and she played with my face and watched me while sucking her thumb. Her favorite toys at the time are her balls and books. She loves to roll the ball back and forth with me. Although at times can be hard because Harley likes it to and will chase it! Moving the kitchen table chairs is a big game for her. I think she just likes to test her strength. I allowed her the other day to crawl down the stairs by herself. Don't worry, I was there! She did a fantastic job, she is pretty slow still at the top step but knows exactly what to do and goes for it. We were over at a friends house and she played in sand for the first time and loved it. She enjoyed throwing it on the ground, of course, but didn't eat it! We have had her in sand before but she was never interested. I'm looking into getting her a sandbox and/or water table to play with for the backyard. I can't believe I'm even thinking it because I always said I would never get that crap! Oh....the things we do for our kids when you see how much they like something...Hey mom you know what I like : ) just kidding!
So that's what's new with her. She is going to a dress up party tomorrow and we have her play date on Tuesday. Sunday, Mother's Day, we will spend it with some family. Monday we are having a family day before we all go on separate vacations : ( It will be a fun and busy week. Hopefully I don't freak out to much, I feel like I'm starting to get some anxiety about flying with Alyssa!
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