Sunday, April 12, 2009


Happy Easter to all! We had a great weekend. Cory's parents came up and spent the weekend with us. Saturday the men spent all day doing some projects outside while us woman went shopping for some clothes for Alyssa. She is out growing hers so quickly and I needed to pick her up a few particular items. We also dyed Easter eggs, which I haven't done in years. Alyssa didn't join us, she was napping but next year it may be fun to try with her. Alyssa has continued on taking more steps and is getting more brave by the day. She is so funny when she does it, she gets pretty excited and proud of herself. I'm trying to get a better video of her.

Easter was good. The Easter Bunny came several times for Alyssa. She got four Easter baskets! It was fun watching her with them. She still doesn't get it, the idea of gifts. It sure is fun to give them to her and watch. G. Gail tried to give her a peep but Alyssa would have none of it. I don't like marshmallow either so that was fine by me! Grammy and G. Uncle George were able to come up and enjoy dinner with us as well. It was a relaxing day. The men watched the Masters, which was phenomenal, and us ladies cooked and talked. Alyssa was entertaining herself pretty well. At one point I heard a tapping sound which sounded somewhat like her pounding on the door but a little quieter and I didn't want to go check it because I was in the middle of fixing something. The sound continued and I went to look and she had spilled all of Harley's water out onto the floor and was playing in it. She was soaked, literally from head to toe! Thank's to Cory who took her and got her all changed. Dinner was good and everyone left shortly after so they could get back to Seattle & Longview before dark and the weather got too bad. We were exhausted afterwards. My biggest surprise came though when my mom had sent something up with Cory's parents for me. She got me an egg plate that I have been wanting for soooo very long. Thank you mom, I love it : )
We have such a busy week ahead of us. We have two play dates, opening day, meeting my very good friend at IKEA to do some shopping, ladies night, and a birthday party. It's going to be crazy but fun. I would so rather be busy than not having anything to do at all. It's supposed to be nice later this week, so that will be something to definitely look forward to!

1 Comment:

Chris and Mandy said...

Sounds like you all had a great Easter! The story about Harley's water dish was hilarious :) So Alyssa doesn't like Peeps.. yeah I think they're gross. We found out that Owen loves them. Great..

Looking forward to seeing you this coming weekend!