Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy 32nd Birthday Cory and Tyson

Happy Birthday Guys!

Cory and Tyson at 6 months old! It's probably hard for their parents to believe that 32 years ago their twin boys were born and how quickly life that they knew was changed forever. Oh the stories that the family has on these two and the shenanigans that they got into and continue to do. Everyone is so very proud for both of your accomplishments. We love you guys!

This was Cory on his 1st birthday at his Grammys house.
I'm not sure what Cory is doing in this picture, either waving or blocking the sun, but we have this little outfit that he is wearing and it's hard to believe that this 6'3 man was ever this little! I guess we all have to grow up sometime but at least we can still be kids at heart!