Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween, Hockey and Dadada

For Halloween we decided it would be fun to take Alyssa to her first hockey game. So we had all the grandparents over for a pizza party and fun Halloween appetizers that Grandma Gail made. It was a lot of fun to get everyone together and catch up. We headed to the arena and got ready to enter and realized that the game didn't actually start until 7:30. We thought it was a 7pm game time. So we hung out out front enjoying the company and the fresh air. OK, really there wasn't anything else to do besides go get a drink and Alyssa isn't quite old enough yet. She did however enjoy dancing on the top of the wall.

I was excited to enter her in a costume contest or something. Mistake number 1 was assuming that someone would tell you that they would have one while entering the doors or at least announce it. So after the first period, gosh I hope that's what they are called, a bunch of people dressed up came out onto the ice for the contest. So now I'm annoyed. Not to be biased or anything but Alyssa was the cutest one there. I was happy that another baby who was dressed as a turtle got it. People in our section did say "give it to the bee" or maybe that was me. Hmm....Mistake number 2 was assuming that would be it as far as the contests go. We ended up leaving after the second period because it was a little after 9pm and Alyssa was starting to get fussy and wanted to go to bed. Especially since it was way past her bedtime. We talked with Cory's parent's, who stayed to finish watching the game, and they informed us that the camera panned the crowd and I guess did somewhat of another contest and the turtle baby won another prize! I guess we should have asked someone but I did assume that it would be announced or something but I guess that's what I get for assuming because we all know what happens when you do that! It was a great time even if we didn't get her entered into the contest there will be several more Halloween's to come.

So about a week or so ago Alyssa started saying "dadadada" and I just didn't pay too much attention to it I guess because it wasn't too clear and thought it was maybe my imagination. Now she is definitely saying it. My parents and Cory both heard it. I think Cory was very excited to hear this. They are very cute together. They kind of have their own language going on. I think I might be in trouble later down the road!

Although Alyssa and Nolan weren't able to spend Halloween together we still got some pictures of him in his outfit and he was/is the cutest Tigger I have seen.

1 Comment:

Chris and Mandy said...

How cute! Owen's been saying "ma ma ma ma" ALL the time and I just love it! Poor Chris is feeling left out I think. Hey thanks for the nice card and picture, by the way :)