Sunday, May 18, 2008

Things to ponder

Wow Alyssa will be 3 months old on Tuesday! I can't believe how time goes by so fast. It's been so much fun watching her change and looking forward to the changes ahead. I was just thinking back to Feb 19 when Cory and I got home from the doctors appointment and realized that tomorrow we were going to be parents ready or not. Although we new it was coming there just isn't anything that can really prepare you for the reality of it all. The unconditional love you have for this little human that depends on YOU for EVERYTHING is just amazing. I sit there and watch her and wonder what she will be like when shes an adult, a teenager, a small child and a toddler. What will her interests be? Will she like to bake/cook with her mom as I did? Will she want to fish and go ride atvs with her dad? Will she enjoy being a girlie girl but still like sports? Will she attend college and which one? Obviously WSU, if she decides to attend UW it will be funded solely by her or her Great Uncle Dick which he is not aware of yet. What will she look like? Will she be over 6'0 like her parents?

All these things I wonder about and look forward to each and every moment. She's an amazing girl and I can't wait to see her grow! Her favorite things to do is drool, play with her tongue and mimic you when you play with yours, the "car" game, get kisses from Harley, and obviously eat, pooh, and sleep!

We were pretty excited the other day. Alyssa received some new clothing items and toys from our friend Katie. She gave us some toys that her son Ian had outgrew. The one pictured above is a dog that barks and squeaks and she loves it! Katie's sister Jane, who had a little girl approx. a year ago, sent some VERY cute shoes, hats, and other items for Alyssa. It was so very kind of her. One of the hats is a khaki fishing hat with bananas on it which is very good since it keeps the sun off of her face. I know, sun in Washington, yes we have been having a very warm week!

We have been working on things around the house and doing lots of yard work. We got our patio enlarged and patio furniture out there. Harley did manage to leave his mark on the patio, his footprints! It was kind of a funny story. Cory came home after working off duty and Harley needed to go pottie. I had been taking him out all day on his leash to go. The guy who did the work said not to let him on it until the next day but we could walk on it. Which didn't make a whole lot of since but anyways. So Cory gets home and decides to let him go out because he wont walk on it. Yeah right. So what does Harley do, he does what any dog would do and runs across it. He had a ton of energy from being cooped up all day inside on a beautiful day. So he got some paw prints into the cement! Cory was upset after spending the money on it and than that happening but I was on Harleys side on this, Cory should have used the leash. Lesson two learned by the Simmons: Don't assume your pet is as smart as you!