Sunday, March 27, 2011

Spring Time Equals Baseball Or In My Case T-Ball

Starting at the end of the month Alyssa is going to be doing t-ball every weekend. Im really excited for her to do this as she is too. She loves sports, which is a good thing in this house. I got her signed up today and I can't wait for her to start. It will be a blast watching the chaos. They play every Saturday and have a practice and a game afterwards.

I knew we were going to be signing her up so I went out and got a t-ball set for her to get familiar with beforehand. I was a little surprised because I don't think she has ever played with one before and she knew exactly what to do. It was very cute.

I can't believe April is almost here and it is going to be such a busy month for us. We have only a few days where there aren't something going on but that is good. I know I say this all the time but Im one who prefers to be busy than have nothing going on at all!

On Friday, I took the kids to see a concert at a theatre in Snohomish. I have been wanting to go for awhile but for whatever reason it never worked out. It's a very cute place and have all kinds of programs for all ages. The nice thing about the show we saw is how they have the children participate in it. That was a lot of fun to watch the kids. Both, Alyssa and Knox, seemed to enjoy it. We already have plans to go back this month to check another show out.

Im so glad that we live in an area where Im able to expose them to so many different things. I think that is so important.