Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Three Days of Halloween Fun

Thursday Cory and I cam back from Las Vegas and just in time to jump back into a crazy weekend full of Halloween activities.

Friday started up with Alyssa dressing up for her preschool class. I was surprised that not too many of the kids actually dressed up. I asked Alyssa if she had wanted to and of course like any other little girl she started jumping up and down and saying "YES."

After doing some Christmas shopping that afternoon we headed out to Seattle for a Halloween party. We had a blast! The party was for older girls but Alyssa hung right with them and was having soo much fun. The girls were great with Alyssa too,
including her in everything. There were many games played, food ate, and even a supposed ghost sighting.

Saturday morning the kids and I went trick or treating with one of my moms groups and went to a retirement home. It was so much fun. I don't know who enjoyed it more the residents or the children. Alyssa came home with a huge amount of candy and was
very excited for the rest of the weekend. She definitely knows what Halloween is.
Later that day we headed into Seattle to spend yet another evening with family. It was good to hang out with family, like always, and the kids seemed to entertain everyone. Alyssa really seemed to enjoy it though because she loves nothing more than to hang out with her Nana's

On Halloween we ended up going to the Everett Mall and doing the trick or treat there. All the stores, well most of them, handed out candy and both the kids got several comments on their outfits and how cute they are. When we got back we went
and took the kids just to our immediate neighbors houses. Alyssa handed out candy with us and loved doing it. That is more than I can say for me because I love Halloween but I hate handing out candy.

Back to our trip to Vegas, we had a blast and I can't wait to go back this next year. Ate at probably my favorite restaurant to date, Nobu. It's a sushi restaurant
and was the best! The kids did great and had fun hanging out with their Nana while we were gone. We are now gearing up for Thanksgiving and it's hard to believe it's right around the corner. I love this time of year and can't wait for Christmas. The holidays are so much fun now especially since Alyssa understands what happens.