It's finally getting back to normal and I am so very thankful for that. I have started planning Alyssa's birthday part and still can't fathom that it is almost here! Yes, it's still a little over a month away but where did all the time go? She still amazes me daily with all the new things that she discovers.
Her latest thing is crawling the stairs. Yes she is supervised when she does this so everyone can relax. The highest she has gone is the third step and it's very impressive to me how she does this. She has also started to do something that cracked me up. I was in our bedroom bathroom getting ready and I could here her screaming so I had poked me head out the door. She had pulled herself up in the crib and w
as yelling and looking out her door. From where she was you could see our room. I am thinking that she was yelling or telling me something. Probably to get her out of her crib, but I thought this was hilarious for some reason.
She finally had her Gymboree class today. We had a good time, although someone got a little cranky because they hadn't had their morning nap but more on that later. The instructor sang lots of songs, showed us around all the equipment, we played with scarves and so on. There was only one other little boy there who was turning one next weekend. It was their first time there as well. They were really cute together. During one of the songs Alyssa started clapping her hands and smiling and oohing and ahhing at the instructor it was pretty cute. I think I will eventually sign her up for a session. It will be a great place for her when she is able to walk and can run around in there, especially when it's raining out!!!
Her morning naps are also becoming somewhat non-existent. I'm still laying her down but she doesn't fall asleep but plays in her crib. I think that I am in denial that I might have to give this up eventually
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