Well it finally happened, her tooth is starting to come out. It's her lower left front tooth and its razor sharp. She keeps running her tongue over it which I am surprised it hasn't cut it yet. I don't know how long it will take for it to come all the way out but it's on its way. I'm amazed that she hasn't been all that fussy about it either. She's drooling like crazy and enjoys putting the cloth diaper in her moth and chewing on it. Yes it is a clean one, I don't use them for diapers.
I have Alyssa all signed up for her swim lessons that she starts on September 9. She will have those two times a week for 30 min. I am pretty curious to see what kind of things we will be doing. It's a class for 6 months - 3 yrs and introduction to water. I am very excited for that because she loves playing in the bath tub. Although she cried the other night but I think that's because she didn't like the bubble machine I got her. It was pretty loud. I have been trying to find some fun bath toys but I am having a hard time finding any good ones.
I have also bought a great book on sign language and we are going to start trying it. It's
going to take a lot of persistence from us but I think if we can stick it out it will be worth it. It's very basic but if we can do it, it will be a great way to start communicating with her before she actually starts talking. From the look of the book that I have it's actually pretty easy to do and easy to remember.
She is also starting to sit up on her own. She can do it for several seconds before getting wobbly and falling over. At least she doesn't get upset when she tips over or hurt yet. She's enjoying building her leg muscles, she loves standing, and I honestly can't wait until I can start chasing her around. OK so I might be saying in a few months that I regret ever saying that! She is also enjoying kicking her legs and especially when she is on a surface where she can make noises. She gets so proud of herself when she does this, it's actually pretty cute.
She adores Harley. She laughs at him and her face lights up whenever he comes around it's the cutest thing ever. The other day Alyssa, Harley and I were all playing on the floor and he brought over his ball and put it next to her. She started playing with it rolling it and he started playing with his chew ring, because if you know him he always carries two toys with him.