Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snow Fun

We got some snow today and the kids couldn't wait to get outside and play!

We were in the back playing for about an hour. Kids were driving the toys, playing soccer, and snow angels. We then decided to head out front and role down our front yard.

Our neighbors were out and we made a snowman and all the kids played. It was a lot of fun.

After about an hour of that we headed inside for lunch. We had grilled cheese, tomato soup and hot chocolate. A perfect snowy lunch.

Knox decided today he would take a nap, thankfully! Alyssa and I watched Home Alone and made some no bake cookies. It was a great winter day!

Sorry the pictures are so big but I tried this out from my cell phone to see how it would work. Not bad and probablly wont do all the time but great for a quick post!