Saturday, December 8, 2012


I love all the holidays and I could probably say when each one rolls around it's my favorite for whatever reason.  That is how I felt at Thanksgiving.  We had a very mellow celebration with Cory's parents and Grandmother at our house.  The dinner was simple and delicious with great wine and appetizers.  The conversations and entertainment, kids, were fun as well.  We missed those who couldn't be with us but it was a really relaxing day that I was thankful for!

I have seen on line people saying what they are thankful for every day of November.  There are so many things I'm thankful for everyday that I find it weird to limit it to one month a year everyday to say what I'm thankful for.  I know that sometimes people forget and lose touch the things they are thankful for and get caught up in "life."  What I decided to do was list the thirty things that I'm thankful for on here with a little explanation of each.  They will be in no particular order.

1. Cory ~ My husband, best friend, lover, father of our children etc.  I can't imagine our lives without him.  He makes me laugh at the goofy things he says and does sometimes.  Some people might not get to see that side but thankfully I do.  This is someone I could do anything with and have a blast and never get tired of being around.  Having known him since he was a teenager and turn into an adult and then a father has been a true blessing!

2. Locks on doors ~  Being a SAHM this has been a true blessing at times.  Once in a while I do enjoy using the restroom or taking a shower without little eyes and hands all over me, asking questions, or plain just staring.  Thankfully my daughter has out grown this!

3. Coconut ~ Yes I love it and will take it in any form.  Raw, cooked, water, oil, etc.  It's the best and in fact while I write this I am drinking some.  The health benefits it has is amazing.  Frankly for me it's the taste and smell and I hate to say it but I think I like it better than chocolate, well maybe not.

4. Gym ~ It's one of my favorite places.  I can go there drop the kids off for two hours to play doing numerous activities all while I work out.  Whether it's kick boxing, barre, yoga, ab lab, cycle or just working out on the elliptical I am there!  What a stress relief and health boost too!

5. Alyssa ~ She is my beautiful 4 almost ,5 as she would say, daughter.  I can't imagine life without her.  My life has changed in ways I never imagined because of her.  She is a very bright, determined, creative, funny, girly girl.  Although I'm sure she would say she was a princess and I know we will have our hands full when she is a teenager I can't wait!

6.  Books ~ I love to read, read, read.  Nothing makes me more happy, well I'm sure there are some things, but to curl up with a good book by a fire place with a cup of tea. 

7. Animals ~ Mainly my dog, Harley.  As crazy as he can be at times I love him and all of his quirkiness.  Animals in general are really just amazing.

8. Home ~ My house...I'm thankful for a roof over my head and a place to keep my love bugs warm at night.  It may not be the 3000sq ft. house with the perfect flooring and counter tops etc. etc. but again it's our house.  The material things will all come one day if we so choose to go that route.  What I love about it most is the memories we are making in it.  Frankly wherever the four of us, five including Harley, lay our heads at night is home.  As long as we are together..

9. Music ~ Seriously how can you not be thankful for this!?  I listen to it daily and all kinds depending on mood and situation.  I have dance parties with my two little ones who like to see a white girl with no rhythm dance. When music is on let me tell you my inner Shakira, Beyonce, JLo or whoever, comes out and I think I can move like them.  Well at least in my head!   I love that a song can come on and it instantly brings you back to a time and place.  Such a wonderful creation!

10.  Sports ~  I grew up playing several and at times miss it.  My favorites, college football/basketball, baseball, hockey. 

11. Chocolate ~ 'nuff said.

12. Red wine ~  I will admit Cory and I have been becoming wine snobs.  Since touring several and learning a lot about the process it's really amazing, to me.  I want to learn so much more about the process and tour different regions.  Don't get this confused with price though.  There are some good cheap wines out there and horrible expensive ones too.

13.  Craft beer ~  Well I couldn't put wine on here and leave this one out!  Again, call me a beer snob and that is fine but nothing is better than a craft beer.  Something with a little flavor and substance is a whole lot better than drinking those popular brands that taste like piss!  Excuse me there but true, well I wouldn't know since I have never drank one of them but if I were that's what I imagine it to taste like.  If you have a  Pale Ale, Amber, IPA, Porter, my answer will be, "yes please!"

14. Garbage Man ~ For the obvious.  Mainly because he comes at 630am every Tuesday on the dot.  Since he does this my son gets up and is so excited to see him.  I'm thankful for not having seven days a week with both of my kids sleeping in to at least 830.  Yes that is right, I'm thankful for this!  It's a pretty cute scene.

15. Knox ~ My son, little man.  He brightens my day and keeps me on my toes.  His smile melts my heart like no other.  I love how he is all boy, sense of humor, eagerness to learn, laugh, gentle, and so much more.   Life is now complete with him in it.

16. Weather ~ Again, another obvious we need it for one thing or another.  For me though I enjoy it all.  Rain, sun, wind, snow, hail, storms you name it.

17. Washington ~ My state.  Seriously we live in my opinion in one of the best areas.  We have so much at our fingertips.  I love the fact that I can get up and decide to be near water, mountains, or with a little drive desert.  I can bike, hike, swim, camp, ski and do so many activities if I chose to do so.

18. My Mom ~ For the obvious she gave birth to me!  Seriously she is my Mom and I can't imagine the world without her.  Even through differences there is a connection there that maybe I didn't get until having my own children but she is my Mom. Love you!

19.  My Fab Five ~ These are my four closest girlfriends who are simply the best!  We are all very different but the things I have learned and continue to learn from them are amazing! I could probably write a whole book on these ladies and the stuff we have gone through and endured.  No worries, I won't!  These Ladies I don't have to talk with every day or see each other but we pick up as if no time has gone by.  There is an instant connection with us all. Miranda, Stacy, Michelle M., and Marisa, Kelly you are simply the best!

20. My Dad ~ Although he isn't my biological father he is my Dad.  As the old saying goes, anyone can become a father but it takes a real man to be a Dad.  Love you!

21 Grammy ~ Since I lost my Grandparents at such an early age I never really had them growing up.  When Cory came into my life he still had his Grandmother and she is the best.

22. Art / Photography ~ It's a passion.

23. Cooking / Baking ~ Another passion.

24. My children ~ I know they are on here above but seriously since having them people have come into my life that if I wouldn't have had them probably never would have and for that I'm thankful!

25. Good health

26. God

27. In Laws ~ Thankful I have great ones whom we got a long and can stand each other!

28.  Siblings /Family

29. Technology

30. Smile / Laughter

This is my list, some are silly some are obvious but really I could come up with so many more. I'm sure I have bored many but that is just another thing I'm thankful for, freedom of speech!