Saturday, March 17, 2012

Princess Dance Party

This year for Alyssa's birthday we decided to give her a dance party at her dance studio. This little girl loves dance so we thought what would be better. Well at the beginning of the year I had changed studios from the one she went to last year and chose one closer to home. Well without any notice the studio closed, we were out our money and were looking for a place for her to dance and have a party at. Of course this all happened the day I sent out invitations. Finding another studio wasn't that hard but trying to decide what to do about the party was another. We were out our money and of course getting no where with the owner. She did say she would refund the money but haven't seen any of that.

After a lot of consideration we decided to go ahead and give her a dance party and I'm so glad that we did. The studio she is at now is where we had it and they did a superb job! I couldn't believe what we got for our money at the studio. They provided decorations, a dance instructor, full use of the whole studio. Alyssa's teacher, Ms. Brenna was the one who was at the party and did a fantastic job! One of the rooms had mats, pom poms, and a disco ball and music going for all of them to enjoy before the dance instruction. They got a 40 min dance class and then in the other room was where we had pizza, cake, and presents.

It was such a great day! She loved every moment of it and having all of her friends there to celebrate with her. Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time. We were there for about two hours which was perfect. Alyssa had seemed a little out of it but wasn't sure if it was from all the excitement that had been going on all weekend or what. She couldn't have been happier though with the party, her two besties were there, and all her other friends. Even though the planning started out with a black cloud it quickly became clear that it was the best thing that happened and I think we ended up with a much better party than we ever would have.

She got a lot of great gifts that she has been enjoying. I'm so thankful again for the great friends that we have in our lives and our children's.