Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Old Photos

For those of you who know me and for those who don't, I love old black and white photography. One thing I have been doing lately is getting old family pictures and making copies of them for several reasons. The obvious one because it's family and has sentimental value, secondly for my children to have and last because some of them are just fabulous pictures.

I'm going to be sharing with you some of them that I have gotten recently and will probably throw some in here and there through out. I hope you enjoy!

This first one is a picture of Cory's grandfather, Tom Kelly. I think there is a striking resemblance between him and Knox. I'm not sure exactly how old Tom was in this picture but from the looks of it he was probably around a year give or take.

This next one is of Mary Bess, a.k.a. Grammy, and her brother George who passed a little over a year ago. I have always loved this picture of the two of them. They look so cute and he looks so loving but from the stories that they both have told that wasn't always the case! Ah, siblings!!

Here is a picture of my grandfather, Paul McDonald, when he got their or his car. I can't remember the exact details but anyhow, I loved this picture.

This one is with my grandfather and grandmother. Again, not sure of the details, but I loved this one too. As I do most of the pictures I have of them because most of them he is wearing his Naval uniforms and I love it!