Monday, April 25, 2011


Another holiday has come and has passed, Easter. The kids didn't do an Easter egg hunt this year not that I hadn't intended them to do one but it ended up not working out.

Alyssa colored Easter eggs and had a blast doing that. The day before Easter was a beautiful day. When we got home from T-ball the kids both took a nap and I was able to enjoy some of the sun before we went on our egg hunt down town. I was even so excited that I found one in the afternoon that worked with our schedule. Well I decided to start the cheesecake I was making for Easter dinner and didn't take in the account for what time it was when I started it, the time of the egg hunt festivities, and when the cheesecake would be done. Needless to say we didn't make it. The kids never new the difference.

The day wasn't wasted even though we didn't make the egg hunt. We spent it all afternoon playing in the back yard and soaking up the sun! I love watching the kids play together, for the most part they do a great job at it and have so much fun, but I know that will not always be the case.
I went later that evening and got stuff for their Easter baskets. When I got home I had put them together and put them out but had to quickly go and hide them better because Alyssa decided she wasn't ready for bed and had got up. We hung out for awhile and when we were headed back upstairs she saw one and she was looking at it but never said anything.
The next morning I had told her the Easter Bunny had come and she came downstairs and went over to where she saw it last night and it was gone. I told her he must have hid it somewhere else. She was looking all over until she found it and was so excited to see a basket full of Dora items and hair accessories.

When Knox finally woke up Alyssa helped him find his basket and showed him what the Easter Bunny had brought him, which were several cars and a book on tractors. The bunny decided that they didn't need a bunch of candy and they only got two pieces. It actually worked out well because they each received two more baskets later that day and two more are on there way!

Easter dinner was very relaxing and a great day. Nana Gail and Grammy came fordinner and Cory got home from work that evening and was able to join us. Even though it was just us it was a great time. Others couldn't make it due to already having plans or other excuses. We had a delicious ham, spoon bread, asparagus, and my Easter cheesecake for dessert paired with some wine of course!