Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rainy Days

I'm not one to complain about the rain normally but what I'm tired of is it being so cold with it. I can take one or the other but both at the same time is a little much because than I don't even want to go outside.

We have been doing fun things in the house to make the time go by, sometimes not fast enough but usually it's enough.

One thing that we have been doing a lot more of is craft projects. Alyssa loves doing them. I have found a few cute things that she can do and give as gifts so that will be a fun project. She loves to paint and I have tried to get over my phobia of messes and let her finger paint. She likes doing it but doesn't really like the paint on her hands and after using one color she wants her hands cleaned so she can use another. I love it!

The kids are having a pajama movie party with a few of their friends coming over that should be a lot of fun. Hopefully a good chance for us moms to catch up some too!

She is also helping me cook and bake a lot more, especially cookies. Knox on the other hand just cares about eating. He pretty much doesn't care what it is but wants it in his mouth! I'm so glad that I have two children who aren't picky and will try anything at least once.

The rest of this week is super busy for us with many fun things going on.