Thursday, January 20, 2011

Seattle Fun

I have been wanting to take the kids or I should say Alyssa to the aquarium for some time now and last week I bought a Groupon for there. I actually bought two because the deal was so good! On Cory's day off we ended up heading down there and spending the day.

I'm glad we picked the day we did because it was perfect! There was great weather, although cold, and hardly any crowds. Something that is very rare for down there. We spent about an hour and a half in the aquarium and Alyssa really seemed to have a lot of fun as did Knox. I was a little disappointed in it because it wasn't what I remembered it to be but it was still nice to go.

Afterwards we headed over to the Crab Pot for some lunch and than we had to go to the bakery and get a treat and ride the carousel. I can't wait for Knox to get older to really partake in these activities! We also read that they are going to be putting a Ferris wheel at the end of the pier. While I think this is cool I'm not so sure about it. It's going to be so cold on there, but oh well.

Once we were done with the downtown activity we headed up to Magnolia and spent some time with Grammy. It's so cute because Alyssa has been talking non stop about
wanting to see her Nanny and was very excited. Grammy and I have been talking about family pictures and how I want to start getting copies of them so she let me take one of the albums to start this big project I'm undertaking. I love old photographs of almost anything but especially family! Now I need to figure out how I'm going to incorporate some of the pictures into the house. After a few hours of visiting we headed back north to pick up Harley, who was at daycare, and head home.

The kids were exhausted after a busy day and were both out by the time we hit the freeway.