Wednesday, December 22, 2010

9 Months

On Friday Knox had his nine month check up. I can't believe how fast the time how gone but yet at times it feels like it's crawling by. A friend of mine said it perfectly. She said the years go by quickly but the days can be long. How very true that is. Knox is continuing to be a healthy boy. He is 29 inches (75-90 percentile) and weighing in at 20.6lbs(50th percentile). As the doctor pointed out he is a big boy but a string bean!

He still isn't crawling yet but trying to very hard. It probably doesn't help that his big sister brings him everything! Knox has two more teeth coming in which will put him at six total.

I have been looking at pictures lately and comparing the changes Alyssa has made in this last year and trying to wonder what Knox will be like this time next year. It's hard for me to even fathom my sweet little boy turning into a rowdy toddler!

One of Knox's favorite things to do recently is roll into the Christmas tree and pull on the branches or unwrap presents. He thinks it's hilarious, especially when I tell him no. His big sister sure let's him know though that it isn't OK to do that which is pretty funny.