Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sausage Fest 2010

This weekend we went to Sausage Fest 2010 in Everett. I'm not a huge fan of doing this kind of thing on the weekends because people drive me nuts. We wanted to get out so we met up with my step sister and my other step sister's daughter.

We had so much fun and Jianna just adores Alyssa which I think the attraction is mutual. After seeing the prices for the tickets I have to admit I got pretty cheap. It's outrageous how much they charge to go on a ride or for a ticket. Anyhow, I was suckered in and bought a bunch of tickets. I have to say though it was the best thing I had watched in awhile, the pure enjoyment on my daughters face was priceless. My only complaint it I think she is turning out to be more like me
everyday. I mean by when she was done with the kiddie rides she wanted to go on the big rides and was upset when she found out she wasn't big enough. I have always loved going on rides and I mean anything. I remember on my first plane ride I got upset after asking my mom if that's all it was going to do. My mom quickly responded you better hope that's all it does. I love adventure and fun and so does my beautiful daughter! The way I'm looking at it is yeehaw bring on the amusement parks!!!

What cracked me up the most is I bought some cotton candy which is a must at any fun event especially a carnival. It was Alyssa's first time having it and at first she wasn't interested until we shoved it in her mouth and than she couldn't get enough! I have to agree it rocked and brought back all those great memories I had growing up. I couldn't eat a bag like I used to but I split it with Alyssa and everyone else and was just as satisfied.

For the past several months Alyssa has been copying me with almost everything I do, which can get somewhat scary. She brings her purse everywhere with her and puts her sunglasses on her head. Cares for her baby like I do Knox and has even started getting into my make up. This has all been my fault but I have caught her with my smashed lipstick on her face and eye liner around her eyes. Let me tell you there is never a dull moment in my house!

Knox is doing good and wanting to get moving and I'm not sure if I'm ready for it. I just got really adjusted to having two and now throwing that into the mix will throw my world into another atmosphere. The good thing though is Cory will be around more now to help out so it wont be too bad, fingers crossed!

Even though October has just begun we have a month full of activities and this is becoming probably my favorite month. This months it's turned into the four P's, pumpkin farms, play dates, pumpkin painting and parties!