Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Little Man

I can't believe my little man is almost 8 months old! Time sure is going by quickly. He is changing so much and it makes me a little sad but I'm also thankful that I never have to deal with certain things again and I'm welcoming the new challenges.

He is now sitting up on his own and has four teeth coming in. His bottom two are poking out but not fully up yet. The top two are pretty much ready to pop through any moment. He's been drooling like a fool but has taken it pretty good for the most part.

That little man loves his food. He is still gobbling down his milk and loves his solid food. I love hearing him make his sounds when eating. It will be so nice though when once again I'm back to making one dinner for the family. I never understood why people make multiple meals for their members but whatever to each their own.