Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ice Cream Social And Mutt Strut

The days seem to be going by quickly and in a blur. We have been doing so much stuff but yet when you ask me I can't even tell you what. Cory and I joke about our lists we have but I honestly do have one because if not my mind tends to forget what I'm supposed to do or what I have to do. I have to say I also get some sense of accomplishment of crossing the items off of it as well.

On Friday I had an Ice Cream Social at the house with some Moms and their children. I was hoping for some nice weather and I somewhat got my wish. We had our fun inside but were able to play a little out as well. The kids played wonderful together which is always nice, since it gave us adults a chance to chat. One of the ladies is on the board of Alyssa's Co-op Preschool so we were able to chat about that.
We had so many toppings for the kids. I felt kind of bad but at the same time like a "cool" parent. Alyssa had just got up and I hadn't fed her breakfast yet so that's right she got a sundae for breakfast! How cool is that? Yeah, that normally wouldn't fly in this house but it happened and she had M&M's for lunch! Ha, guess it's a good thing she is going to the dentist tomorrow!

Saturday I took the family down to Langus Park. This is where I like to go walking / running, it's right along the Snohomish River and is a very pretty place. The parks department was having their "Mutt Strut" day. It's basically where a bunch of vendors all having to do with animals mainly dogs / cats set up and they have contests for the dogs. It was a lot of fun to go and see all the other dogs. I had to laugh because I'm not kidding you almost every other person that I walked by had to tell me I had my hands full. Really? You mean two kids in a jogging stroller and walking a dog is a lot??? People make me laugh especially when they point out the obvious. Everyone was very well behaved. I was worried about Harley and how he would do but he was perfect.

I had to laugh because I'm a responsible dog owner. When I take him out I bring doggie bags and clean his pooh up, I make kids ask if it's OK to pet him, etc. but it seems you always have one snotty dog person. For example, we were walking and Harley smelled this other dog. Didn't jump on him didn't do anything but smell him. Now for all of you who don't own dogs this is NORMAL. The lady got grossed out pulled her little dog away huffed and turned away after glaring at me. I laughed and someone behind me made a comment about her. People are so strange. Anyhow that's my little rant, don't you love those!

Knox is getting so big. I'm making his food now for him and it's fun to see how he likes different stuff. The other night I gave him avocado and he loved it. Alyssa had to come over and get some too. It makes me laugh because we all love avocado in this house and I never thought we would fight over something like that. He continues to enjoy his bananas, applesauce, and he will eat his cereal but isn't a huge fan. I don't blame him that stuff is nasty. I'm looking forward to him getting a little order and being able to experiment more with his food. I hope he enjoys eating all kinds of food like Alyssa does other wise he is going to have a hard time in this family!