Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Three Ring Circus and Little Helper

Yesterday we were outside watering flowers on our front porch and I ran back inside to grab something. As I was coming back out Alyssa was climbing down the steps. I told her to stop and she looked at me and smiled and took off! Ran down the driveway and started down the street. After her I went with Harley right on my tail. He had snuck out the door as I was running out. Picture this..Alyssa running down the street, Harley taking off across the street into our neighbors yard who was out playing with their dog and a car coming. Alyssa was laughing the whole time and stayed on the sidewalk so I was thankful for that. Thankfully the car had stopped at the stop sign and was just sitting and watching the whole circus. I got Alyssa and put her back up on the porch as she waited for me to get Harley. Who was very content playing with the other dog and his new friend.. Cory was just arriving home and that's how I finally got Harley back into the yard. He is always excited to see his daddy!
Later that evening we were all hanging out watching television after dinner. I was in the kitchen cleaning when Cory asked me what Alyssa was doing. I checked and she was feeding Knox! It was so very cute and afterwards I helped her hold him and burp him. She was so proud of herself and enjoyed it so much. The only problem is she doesn't want ANY help. She did a great job and Knox seemed to love it as well. He just looks at her adoringly. Of course Harley was right there during all of this. I think he thinks he's part cat because he loves milk and tries to like any spilled milk up or spit up milk for that matter! I know it's gross but that's life!